Month: November 2014

You're Never to Old to Enjoy a Read Aloud

You Are Never Too Old to Enjoy a Read-Aloud

Proverbs 16:24 (ASV) Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul, and healing to the bones.  Perhaps you haven’t thought about reading aloud to your tween or teen now that she can read on her own. Those years of cuddling together on the couch or in the bed and reading story after story may seem like a distant memory. But wait! I want to suggest that we are never too old to enjoy a good read-aloud.   During these years when conversations can be difficult or finding connecting points with our daughters can be a challenge, reading aloud…

Letting Go of Guilt

{Download} Letting Go of Guilt . . . for Moms & Teens

Guilt has the power wreck us, but God’s grace always has the upper hand when we yield to His truth. Those guilty feelings we all face are either a result of condemnation spewed on us by the enemy or godly conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit who desires to lead us into right living (Romans 8:1, John 14:26, John 16:7-8 NLT). Conviction is the Lord’s way of gently and purposefully showing us what needs to change in our hearts and habits in order to glorify Him. But how do we know the difference between guilt that is a result…

Gifts for Your Girls

When it comes to grabbing gifts for our girls, which camp of thought do you fall into? A.  It must be meaningful! B.  It must be practical! C.  It has to be a surprise! D.  Give me a list or give me . . . E.   All of the above! F.  I hate to shop so show me how to get it over with fast! I’m probably and “all of the above” type of shopper when it comes to picking out gifts for my girls. I love offering a blessing wrapped up in a pretty bow or surprise adventure, and…

The 10 R's for Replacing Lies with the Truth

The 10 Rs for Replacing Lies with the Truth

How do you define yourself? Is it by your possessions, accomplishments, or the way others perceive you? Do you  see yourself according to what I do? I am a student, friend, teacher, mother, etc. Do you define yourself by what you achieve? I’m an honor student, class president, homecoming queen, etc. Do you define yourself by what others say about you? I’m smart, pretty, ugly, funny, amazing, clumsy, annoying, etc. Do you define yourself according to your personality or temperament? I’m outgoing, shy, Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, and Phlegmatic, etc. If you identify yourself by what you do then, you will…

You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Real Question: How Do I Overcome People Thinking I’m Shy?

Recently, a young reader asked this question, “People seem to talk and chat so easily, but I don’t. People think I am shy, or don’t care about what they are saying, but that’s not the reason. I simply don’t know what to do or say. What do I do?”   A few years ago I went on a short-term mission trip with a group of people from my church. I didn’t know any of the people well, and they didn’t know me. On the trip, there was a young man, John, who was in his twenties, and his dad. John’s…


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