The More to Be Podcast

Announcing the M2B Podcast: Delivering Hope to the Hearts of Moms

We are so excited to share with you about our newest endeavor… Yes, we’re in the early stages of beginning a More to Be Podcast!  What does that mean exactly?  Well, we’re working and dreaming and planning out the details of bringing you bi-weekly audio recordings that will deliver hope right into your hearts. Our goal is to develop short podcasts — as in 10 to 20 minutes in length — for you to listen to on the go.  Whether you’re running errands, driving the carpool route, taking the dog for a walk, or simply running around the house doing…

Mentoring the Hearts of Your Tweens & Teens

Mentoring the Hearts of Your Tweens & Teens

Would you love to know how to mentor your tweens and teens?  It starts with the heart . . . your heart . . . and then their heart. When our hearts are right before God, we can get down to the business of mentoring well and cultivating a rich relationship with our teens. But how do you get your heart right? How do you figure out what is going on in their heart? How do you engage in a healthy mentoring relationship that is built off Biblical principles, like the ones found in Deuteronomy 6?  Well that’s what this…

Experiencing the presence of God.

Experiencing the Presence of Jesus

Are you struggling to feel the presence of the Lord? Do you sense nothing when you try to spend time with Him? Are the scriptures having no deep impact on your life? How can we experience the presence of God? Wow, if I were able to fully answer that question here, I could write a book and make a million dollars! This is the question believers have asked throughout the ages. And the reality is, experiencing the presence of God is, I believe, as varied as the person who asks it. But I do believe there are some things we…

Persevere with Joy

What to Do When You Have Lost Your Joy

Being a mom is the most wonderful, scary, exciting, heart wrenching, incredible, frustrating  experience I have ever encountered. You move from one season to the next, hoping it will get easier yet finding that, although there is change, mothering will never, ever be easy! As the seasons pass, you wonder: will they ever eat solid food, be potty trained, stop yelling “NO!”, learn how to share, be able to focus on one thing for more than three minutes, learn to sit through the church service, start kindergarten, learn how to read, catch on in math class, make Christian friends,  stop…

So what is a mentoring webinar workshop?

We are so excited to add to our mentoring training focus a brand opportunity — a 3 week, 3 hour mentoring training webinar especially designed to help you grow as a mentor. But you may be wondering, “How does this mentoring webinar work and what will I be expected to do?” Let us make this super simple for you! Do you have a computer? If you answered yes, then you can sign up for this course, which will take place online via at 12:00 pm EST time on April 1, 8, and 15th. However, if that time slot does…


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