Grace Chats: Connecting Moms of Teens in Real Life

Have you every noticed that there is no such thing as play dates or play groups for moms of tweens and teens? Yet, a momma never outgrows her need to connect with other women in the trenches of motherhood and to find a place of encouragement and  inspiration. Beyond diapers duty and potty training, learning letters and picking preschools, mommas need help and hope in every stage of parenting. They need a well to gather around, or in modern day terms, a break room to share a cup of coffee and life’s war parenting stories as they ‘fess up challenges,…

Remembering Our Heros

  Join us this Memorial Day to give thanks for the men and women who serve our country in armed forces and local law enforcement, including their brave spouses and children.

What are we teaching them?

I’m over at The Better Mom sharing about how God impressed on my heart the responsibility to not give up on investing in my kids, even when it feels they are almost all grown up. As a matter of fact, the more I reflect on Proverbs 3:5-6 and the ways the Lord wants me to live it out with my children, the more I feel like He is turning this little “Did you teach them?” instruction into a “Did you learn this, too?” mission. Come join me at The Better Mom, where I also have two free downloads for you.

Time to Check the Influences on a Girl’s Worth

What are you worth? Far more than you can fathom. But where do we find our worth? From knowing and being known by the Creator and Savior of the world Jesus. And yet the world tells us different. In a recent conversation, a mom mentioned her twelve-year-old son had issues at school. Not academic or with bullies. His problem was aggressive, desperate-for-attention girls. The first day of school, he was surrounded by girls. They grabbed for his hands and arms and each begged him to be her boyfriend. This same boy told his mom about Instagram photos where young women post…

It’s a 3 Week Blitz: Join the Next Mentoring Training Group

Has summer already started for you? Or are you about to head into another academic season? I know we’ve got gals from around the world connecting with us, so I’m trying to imagine life in your neck of the woods. For me, the back door is finally kicked open and the summer sounds of birds and smells of lilac are bursting through the door. Technically, summer is here, if only my kiddos we’re out of school and we could all head to the beach.  Since we’ve got another few weeks left, I’m squeezing in leading one more M2B Mentoring Training…


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