Life Transformation

The "not yet done" becomes the tyranny of the urgent that robs us of rest.

Are You Being Robbed of Rest?

Are you overwhelmed? Overworked? Feeling overlooked? Balancing the responsibilities of life, especially as a mom, is like carrying out the tasks most CEOs delegate to hundreds of employees. Compounding the pressure we feel is this pure longing to perfectly manage our households and nurture our families well for the glory of God. It’s a good mission! Right? And yet the pursuit of it can make us crazy busy instead of enjoying the journey — a journey that should include soul-filling and body-refueling rest.   Have you noticed how it’s hard to embrace rest when all we can see it what’s…

Nothing about who He is hangs in the balance of what story this page will tell.

If You’re Struggling Today, Read This

I’ve walked roads that I never would have chosen. I’ve been broken by love, shattered by those dear to me, and I’ve spent years praying for the same miracle. I have more questions than answers and please, tell me you’ve been there too, that you’ve walked some of these same roads? We say it often, that Jesus never told us it would be easy, but can we just say that sometimes life is plain hard? It is messy and complicated, confusing and full of unknowns. There are chapters of our stories we never would have chosen but here’s the truth:…

Ordering Your Priorities One Stone at a Time

Do you find it challenging to get a focus on your priorities? Is figuring out what to do first, when the list feels long and unconquerable, simply overwhelming? Well, you’re not alone. Mastering priorities is most definitely a challenge, but it doesn’t need to be a paralyzing process. How about we take it one step  . . . or maybe stone . . . at a time? Let me illustrate how this works: Imagine having an empty jar that you need to fill with a combination of rocks, pebbles, and sand. All of them are designed to fit in the…

Sometimes we have to look back to grow forward.

Looking Back to Grow Forward

Were you the type of girl who made vows about how you were going to do that a whole lot differently when you grew up? I certainly did, as I dreamed about securing a high-paying job, finding my knight in shining armor, and having no more than two perfectly well behaved children. Shall we say that’s not how my life turned out? How about yours? While my life has been full of unexpected outcomes and steeped in beautiful blessings, not everything on the outside reveals what’s happened on the inside. It’s like the linoleum tile in that one house we owned.…

5 Ways to Find Hope & Help When Life's Too Much

Five Ways to Find Hope & Help When Life’s Too Much

As I reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt, my friend grab my arm gently and looked straight into my eyes. Lisa, have you thought about you and Stephen going for counseling together? I laughed out loud, as while my husband was super supportive of doing whatever it takes for me to become emotionally healthy and whole, he was never one to embrace the process of counseling. However, I told her to give me the number of her counselor and I’d mention it to him. To my great surprise, Stephen said yes to the idea of counseling, and so I booked…


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