
Praying for Your Teen Sons

Are you looking for a way to connect with your teen son? Have you ever considered that one of the most important ways is by choosing to pray for him? Yes, to pray for him…and maybe even with him. Oh, I know you have heard it so many times, and I’m sure many of you are praying for your sons, but let me remind you again because it is so important and shouldn’t be taken lightly! Pray! Pray! And pray some more for your teen sons! They are living in a culture that can and will eat them alive if…

Confession of My {Sometimes} Failure as a Mom

I’ve never been one to hold back on sharing about my short-comings. In real life, I wear my heart on my sleeve. And I am proud to do so, if it gives all glory to God. Even so, it took me years before I realized that when people ask, “How are you doing?” they don’t really want the play-by-play answer of the ups and downs of your life.  Once I became clued in, I learned to force the pat answer, “Fine, thank you!” out of my mouth, even if I wanted to gag on my own words. Over the years…

Pop-Up Ads

A few years ago, it seemed as if pop-up ads appeared overnight on every website I visited.  I would open my browser and the screen would get overrun with ads for insert-product-of-your-choice. When visiting certain sites, I could almost guarantee a Netflix or screen saver ad would come up. Thankfully, my husband knows a thing or two about computers, and he was able to adjust my internet settings to block those annoying ads. On occasion, one or two still gets through the filter, but they are nowhere near as common as before. Recently I was thinking about the similarities between…

Can you train up a teen?

Momma, what can you do if you missed out on the early training years with your teen? Is it even possible to reach their heart once they hit the teen years? What if they’ve turned from you and the Lord?  Is there any hope for training up a teen?   Come join me at FaithLife Women, where I tackled this tough subject with grace and hope.

How to Avoid Heartbreak

Last month I shared some thoughts about what to do when your heart breaks, so this month I thought we’d look at whether heartbreak inevitable. Do you have to experience heartbreak? Is there anything you can do to avoid heartbreak? Can you be friends after a heartbreak? What We Can Learn from the Movies about Heartbreak It seems that almost every romantic movie follows one of three plot lines: 1. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall for each other. They experience conflict, but 2. Boy or girl experiences heartbreak. 3. Boy and girl reconcile or meet someone else. 4. Boy…


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