Search Results for: Prayer

What do you have to do to be forgiven by God of your sins?

This is a great question and is the start of any person’s walk with God. You cannot earn God’s forgiveness. You just have to ask. There are a few steps. Admit you are a sinner Believe Jesus Christ, God’s only Son died and rose for you. He took the penalty for your sins Accept Jesus into your heart as Savior Now I know I made this sound really simple. The action in and of itself is but getting there can be difficult. 1: Admit you are a sinner. All of us are sinners. In Romans 4:23 it says: “For all…

How should I respond when someone picks a fight about religion?

The best way to respond to an argumentative friend, especially when it comes to your faith, it to give the most unlikely, unexpected response:  LOVE and RESPECT.  You can practically do this, through: responding with gentle words keeping a respectful tone showing loving actions commit to private prayer Jesus commands us to love God and love others: Matthew 22:36-40 36“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second…

Is it okay that I am very comfortable with being the weaker partner…

…in reference to 1 Peter 5:7, where the husband must also respect his wife? I find myself loving being weaker or vulnerable because it usually doesn’t happen due to my own physical nature. I’m strong and smart enough and to keep myself out of dangerous situations, but do you think this is dangerous? I grew up in an environment where my mom was the head of the household, and men were treated with contempt. I was taught that women were meant to control men, and that men were not really smart enough to be the head of the house. When…

What is the best way to handle gossip?

What is the best way to handle gossip? When a person gossips, they are failing to love the person they speak about. It may be true that one does not like that person, that the person did something annoying or stupid, and it may feel good to “vent your frustration” about it. But as Christians, there is a better way. Luke 6:27-28 “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” How can we possibly love our “enemies”?  Only through prayer.…

Ready for Change?

Are you tired of your problems? Have you reached the point of total frustration? Are you looking for something more? There is another way of doing life.  But it requires honesty.  It also requires faith.  You’ll need to be willing to believe that what I am about to say is indeed true, and meant for you. You’ll also need to be willing to surrender the things in your life that are causing your pain and preventing you from becoming the woman God intended.   You may not realize this truth, but the God of the Universe has a personal interest…


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