{12 Eternal Gifts} Let me rule and reign…

Let me rule.  Let me reign.

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Psalm 67:4
May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth.

Exodus 15:18
The LORD will reign for ever and ever.

Psalm 47:8
God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.

As we listen to the news, take a look around our communities, and hear the trials facing many of our friends and family members, it is easy to wonder if God is actually still on the throne.  Is He really ruling this world?  Did His reign begin before time?   Will it continue beyond eternity?


I know so, because God says so in His word. And I believe the Word is true, because I’ve experienced His attributes playing out in so many other ways in my life.  Coming from a legacy of abuse, I can testify to His redemptive power.  He changed me.  He change my life.  He changed my children’s future.

Although I wonder about earthquakes and cancer, and fret about finances and my children’s future, I know that God is in charge, not only in this world, but in my heart.  He’s turned my feelings into faith steps and my rebellion into redemption.

God rules.

And He continues to rule, even if we don’t see it or know it firsthand, He is offering the gift of His marvelous reign over our lives. Imagine what life would be like otherwise.

Reflection Questions

  1. How do you feel about God’s rule and reign?
  2. Are you letting Him in?
  3. Why or why not?

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Treasuring 12 Eternal Gifts

Join in today by leaving a link to a post, a Facebook thought, a Tweet, or a comment sharing about today’s gift.


Day 1 ~ Let my Spirit fill you.
Day 2 ~ Let my Word satisfy you.

Day 3 ~ Let my Living Water refresh you.

Day 4 ~ Let my love surround you.

Day 5 ~ Let my forgiveness heal you.

Day 6 ~ Let my grace transform you.

Day 7 ~ Let my mercy undo you.

Day 8 ~ Let my purposes direct you.

Day 9 ~ Let my plans delight you.

Day 10 ~ Let me. Let me in.

Day 11 ~ Let me rule. Let me reign.

Day 12 ~ For my glory.

2 thoughts on “{12 Eternal Gifts} Let me rule and reign…”

  1. It’s knowing that the Lord is in control that gives me the greatest peace. No matter how scary or insane this life get’s.

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