FROG IT, baby!

For the last twelve years, I’ve spent every summer either moving homes, having babies, or last summer, having knee surgery. As a family, we’ve never been able to live in the moment, enjoying the freshness of a new season and rhythm, because there has always been a pressing need that demands our attention. Boxes to pack. Rooms to rearrange. A homes to paint. Nurturing to be done. Healing to be focusing on.

As far as we know, there may still be a pressing need lurking around the corner of June, but for right here, right now, all we know is that tomorrow has promises awaiting our participation, but we are called to live in today.

Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

That’s why this place online is going to be a bit silent for the next few weeks.

I’ve learned we can’t buy back time. We only have today.  And today I have children who want to play outdoors, dine at the beach, and make full use of my newly repaired knee to make memories together. I have a husband who wants to co-labor in the garden together and row the tandem kayak into the sunset on a summer night’s end. These precious gifts can all to easily be put off by a never-ending to do list and a deep-within-the-heart passion to inspire women to impact the lives of the next generation. I don’t compartmentalize easily, which means I often struggle to choose fun over productivity. I hesitate to rest over conquering the urgent.

But for now, I am choosing to do what I want my kids to learn.

FROG IT, baby. 

Fully Rely On God.

Even though the pros proclaim that in order to grow a ministry you need to be fully present, engaged regularly on your blog, and make the most of social media, I’m giving this up to the Lord.  Yes, I do want to see More to Be grow, as I want to see women, exactly like you, inspired by the Truth and teens girls engaged with the Scriptures in a way that makes sense.  I want to see others experienced life transformed.  It is a gift the Lord has given me.  He wants it for you, too.  That’s why I invest time writing, teaching, and contributing here. But I also want all of this to be an overflow of what God is doing in my heart and life. I want to live the life of faith before I ever preach about it.

I want to fully rely on God, for everything, all the time.

If He wants to grow More to Be, He can do it in spite of me and my efforts. So, it is my turn to slip away until the end of June to not only intentionally enjoy my family in these precious summer days, but also to focus intently on prayer for this ministry and immerse myself in the Word. I’ve been so convicted by the Holy Spirit as I’ve been reading through Leviticus and Numbers, learning again that God wants us to trust Him more than anything else. As I read about how He instructed the Israelites in the details of their lives, promising provision and following through, yet all they did was grumble, complain, and disobey.  I don’t want to repeat their mistakes.  I want to obey, quickly and joyfully.  And so, I am going to act on this conviction by  laying this ministry back into the Maker’s hands and awaiting to see what He’ll do as I connect with Him purely away and love on my family intentionally while I’m gone.  I am confident that as I give this time to the Lord and follow His leading, that the fruit He will be bear will be plentiful. It is my prayer that we will enjoy it together.

Is it time for you to FROG IT, baby?

Is there something you need to lay down, give up, retreat from for a few weeks?

Do you need to regain focus and refuel through rest?

Join me. 


3 thoughts on “FROG IT, baby!”

  1. Elisa, you go for it!!! I have been doing much reading on youth ministry leadership and all the “experts” say make time for family and yourself. Otherwise, burnout! Don’t want that for you. Go. Rest. Refuel. Come back stronger!!!

  2. I’m so glad you are listening to the Lord on this and not all things social media. There are times for rest and relaxation and spending time with your family. Enjoy this time as the kids grow up so quickly. I just returned from visiting family.

    blessings and love,

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