
I come from the generation of whatever.

Whatever said with an attitude that sounds more like wwwwwhhhhaattevvvvvaaa.

With an overtly disrespectful flip of the head and swing of the wrist to communicate, “I’m not the least bit interested nor effected by anything you have to say to me.”

Whatever is the hardened girl’s defensive move to keep anything hurtful from penetrating her heart.  Not that it really works.



God has a different whatever in mind.

He wants our whatever to describe everything we do.

God also wants our whatever to describe everything we think…but I’ll share more about this next week at ICD’s WFW.

He wants our whatever even when what we have to do isn’t necessarily glamorous.

Like cleaning the toilet or pulling weeds.

Wiping a little one’s spit up off the sofa or picking up junk food crumbs off the floor.

Serving a meal to a hungry soul or running a neighbor to the doctors.

Studying for an exam or cleaning out an overstuffed draw.

Sure, our work can be wonderfully amazing.

When we operate in our passions and pursue our purposes, working with all our might in our playing field, we will experience a pure joy as we are used by God in line with how we’ve been designed.

I stand behind this truth as a life coach, building my entire business off this principle. 

Yet, the greater joy comes when we can do ALL that we find ourselves responsible for and exposed to with ALL our might for the glory of God. 

This is a mindset, where we see every bit of how we live as a spiritual act of worship.  But this mind-shift won’t come naturally. We need to remind our flesh to take it’s place and allow the Spirit truth to power up our living.  This comes through humble, devotional, repentant living where the Holy Spirit is given fertile ground to dwell and transform your life from the inside out by the power of the Word.

Even so, I’m slow to remember God’s truth.

How about you?

So knowing my weakness, I’ve done something to help me out a little.  If you walk through my home, one thing will stand out to you:  Scripture as my main decor.  In each room there is a verse (like this), reminding our family of foundational Biblical principles.  Some of these things I’ve made on my own, such as signs hand-painted with words reminding our family of lessons learned at camp and principles that must be applied.  Other items, I’ve purchased from Dayspring, especially when I see a great sale.  I’ve picked up a piece like this and part of this collection, reminding me see life through the lens of His Truth.  And when I am in the market for something new, for our home or even as I gift (like this special one I gave our grace girl for her graduation), I make sure to consider Dayspring.  That’s how I stumbled on this collection of Urban Soul pillows. 

See, the dog ate the basement carpet (I know, real life), and so we decided to move the den carpet to the basement.  This meant buying a new carpet, which I did for the living room and therefore moved that carpet to the den. Now that meant I needed to change my den pillows, as the red ones clashed with the burgundy carpet.  I shopped around at the local super stores, but I am telling you, pillows are expensive!  Ultimately, I decided that Dayspring was the way to go, because the message is imprinted on these Urban Soul pillows are ones I want impress on my own soul and written on the hearts of my children.

Two are better than one Yes, we need each other and need to be in prayer together.

Let your light shine.  Remember, gang, we’re not here for ourselves.  We’re here to be used by the Lord as a vessel of His light.

Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.  Whatever.  Even  folding laundry and running the vacuum through the den!

On a practical note, these pillows are incredibly durable, well-made, attractive, comfortable, and totally teen-friendly.  My girls love the birds, a true surprise to me.  Moreover, I like the message I am sending ever so subtly to my own children, their friends, and our regular flow of guests.

Are you stuck in whatever attitude of times gone by?

What would it be like to live with a Biblical whatever attitude?

How can you set up your home to remind you how you want to live?

 Day Spring makes that decision at least a little bit easier and affordable with this deal…

Follow this Link for Free Shipping from Dayspring on $25+ Order

Use Coupon Code :  shipping25

{linking up with WFW and WLWW}

*Please note that affiliate links are included to support the ministry of More to Be. These pillows were provided for review purposes, but I would have paid full dollar for them, especially seeing their quality and the impact they have had on my family so far!

2 thoughts on “Whatever.”

  1. Hi Elisa,
    What a great post! Jesus set the example by glorifying God in whatever He did, whether it be breaking bread or washing feet. Any act, if dedicated to Him, can be a form of worship. I have Scripture all over my house too!
    Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on Saved by Grace!
    Your blog is a blessing and I am now following it by email, and I invite you to follow Saved by Grace also:
    Love in Him,
    Laurie Collett

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