{4} TWOgether: I Need Him



My youngest daughter came home from her small group where they were going through His Revolutionary Love. She shared this cool idea: each of the girls in the group took a week during the study. During their week, they texted  the other girls verses out of the book; a reminder of God’s love notes to them. I just loved this idea of bringing the study into day to day living!

This week’s love note is from Psalm 9:18 “But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.”

Friends, this verse talks about the needy. Do you know who the needy are? You and I! Every day we are needy because our hearts were created to be filled and just like you need to fill your body each day with water and food, your heart needs filling every day as well! I purpose to do this each day first thing in the morning (and on the days I don’t you sure can tell!).

It’s OK to be Needy

It is not too popular in our culture to be needy, is it? It is especially not good for women! Those who have come before us have fought very hard for women’s rights – the right to vote, the right to work the same jobs for the same pay and many more. Being needy has been a bad thing.

But with God, that is not so!

All of us are needy. We were born that way! Just think of how each one of us came into the world, completely dependent in every way. Dependent for food, shelter, and affection. As we became an adult, our dependence lessened.

Maybe this is why the Bible calls us the “children of God.” Unlike the cycle of human life, we need to be always dependent on God. Dependent on Him to fill the individual needs that we each have. He is the only one who can fill those needs with a pure motive and with unconditional love.

It is imperative that we grasp this truth and teach this to our children as early as possible because when our neediness is not filled by Jesus, it becomes a force of destruction in our lives.

We are praying for the opposite: for our children to experience the force of revolutionary love which will lead them to make wise choices.

This Week’s Homework

Take the time to watch the video, read the next chapter, and bake a cake.

This Week’s Video

I’ve got a project for you to do with your girl this week: bake a cake. I want you to bake a cake together so that visually she can see this important message. Here is what I want you to share as you do:

Again…take some time this week to ENJOY your children…they truly grow up way too fast!





Lynn Cowell is an author and speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries. She has been married for over 25 years and has a grown son and two daughters in high school. She has written two books His Revolutionary Love and Devotions for a Revolutionary Year. Her favorite things include the mountains, well-worn sweatshirts and anything that combines chocolate and peanut butter. To connect with Lynn, you can find her at LynnCowell.com, Facebook, and Twitter.


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