{3.31} Understanding Anger

:: this post is a part of the 3.31 IMPACT series ::

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Ephesians 4:26-27 NLT

And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.

Hope for When You're Angry


Have you heard that voice of condemnation whirl through your mind when you’ve lost your cool in a conversation?

Is your fuse shorter than those around you?

Anger. It can be a problem. It most certainly can lead to sin.  But anger, in and of itself, isn’t sin. Anger is an emotion expressed by God, throughout the Scriptures. The problem arises when we act on our anger, without any self control. Our anger is most certainly moved from that of an emotion to a sinful act, when our words or fists flail around, whipping others with outcries of injustice or the spill over of wounded insides.

Thankfully, the Word gives us insight to how to deal with our anger . . . we need to face it before the sun goes down. While many of us think we need to squelch those angry emotions, as a noble act of self control, the healthier response would be to turn to the Lord and confess our heart.

Lord, I am so angry about  ______________.

We need to tell God exactly how we’re feeling, and even dig further to pinpoint the source of our anger.

Is it a fresh hurt that needs to be grieved and worked through? Is it an old wound, triggered and poked? Is it unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment?  Is it life speeding by, leaving us feeling totally out of control? Is it disappointing news?

Sometimes, the source of our anger is too overwhelming to face alone, in which case asking a family member, close friend, a pastor, or  a counselor to help work through feelings could be the wisest, bravest step at preventing the enemy from getting a foothold on us. Using proven techniques, such as taking deep breaths, softening our voice, or relaxing our posture, can tone down angry outbursts.

As one prone to anger, I’ve become skilled at what I like to call “shoot-em-up” prayers, as in “shoot those angry thoughts and words up to the Lord” instead of out toward those in my midst. It works. It really works.

Ultimately, confessing to the Lord about what is going on in our emotions, before the sun goes down, can help us not sin in our anger! If we fail to do so, however, God’s forgiveness is waiting for us. All we need to do is ask Him.


Father God, forgive me for the ways I’ve spilled out anger on those around me. Help me, Lord, to settle the matters in my heart with you, before the little wounds fester into ugly outburst. Help me Lord to treat others in the way I want to be treated, and to not let the devil have a foothold on me or any of my relationships as a result of my anger. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


What “issues” do you need to speak to the Lord about today, so that there won’t be any spark of anger to ignite in your life?


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