Elisa Pulliam

Elisa is the founder of More to Be, a trained life coach with an emerging speciality in trauma-focused equine-assisted coachingcoach trainer, mentor, and speaker passionate about helping women experience a fresh encounter with God and His for the sake impacting the next generation with Kingdom hope. She is the author of Meet the New You: A 21-Day Plan for Embracing Fresh Attitudes and Focused Habits Leading to Real Life Change, and Unblinded Faith: Gaining Spiritual Sight Through Believing God's Word, along with numerous books and bible studies for women and teen girls. When she's not home caring for her family, you can find Lisa horseback riding and serving on the leadership team of an equine-assisted therapy farm. She considers her first calling as wife to Stephen and mother to her four growing-up-too-fast children.

The Freedom of a Confession

The Freedom of a Confession

I stood on the kitchen chair to reach the top of the hutch only to find more than dust. The hidden section was littered with crumpled-up gum wrappers, and I knew exactly how they got there. No doubt my daughter thought she found a way to get past the gum-chewing police. She had braces and knew she wasn’t supposed to chew gum, but thought she could be a sneaky Pete. I wanted to march up to her bedroom and demand a confession, but instead, I opted for a more subtle approach of stashing all the wrappers in the middle of her…

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Lead Like it Matters to God with Richard Stearns {Podcast #712}

How often do we make our plans only to have them suddenly come crumbling down. But what if our crashing plans is part of God’s purposes to direct us onto the path He has for us? Certainly that is one perspective if we look at our life through the lens of Proverbs 16:9, which states that “We can make our plans,  but the Lord determines our steps.” Nothing could ring truer of this verse than Richard Stearns’ life, which is truly a classic story of man’s big plans being rerouted by God’s bigger blessings. On this episode of the More to Be Podcast,…

For the Weak and the Strong

For the Weak and the Strong

I will never make it as a gardener. I simply don’t have the motivation to endure the back-breaking, never-ending work of weeding nor the mindset to trust the process. From the very beginning, I can’t help but sow too many seeds into pods too small for roots to grow deep and strong. As those seedlings burst forth, I stand in awe like a proud momma but dread the inevitable next step . . . thinning out the weak ones. I can’t stand being the one who chooses which ones have to go. It’s not surprising, as I’ve been a softy for…

The Call to Mentor

The Call to Mentor {Podcast 710}

Do you feel like God has called you to biblically mentor the next generation, yet you’re not quite sure you are qualified, equipped, or worthy of the role? The good news is that God doesn’t look at our past to determine our future impact, especially when it comes to mentoring. His call is always fresh. He invites us to live out the Word day-by-day, and from that overflow, impact the lives around us in an intentional way. Yes, biblical mentoring comes from the overflow of our relationship with Christ as we seek to pour into the lives of those God…

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Finding Your Place with Kristen Humiston & Jennifer Booth {Podcast #710}

How many times have you asked God “why?” “Why me? Why now? Why this?” Whether you are 18, 88, or somewhere in between you’ve likely faced something that made you feel out of place, alone, and uncertain. What has been your response? Do you walk in faith or question God’s plan? Maybe you experience both those emotions? As children of God, our lives have been perfectly orchestrated by our Creator. With every challenging “why,” we can trust that His intended plan is not ruined. On this episode of the More to Be Podcast, join me as I chat with Kristen…


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