
The perfect beautiful outside does not make us perfect.

Beautiful Inside and Out

The perfect cake . . .  or is it? A friend recently celebrated her first wedding anniversary. Following tradition, she and her husband had frozen the top layer of their wedding cake to eat on their anniversary. They pulled the cake out of the freezer and admired the beautiful swirls of frosting preserved in perfection. But when they cut into the cake, the interior was green instead of snowy white. Something had gone wrong over the last year, and the cake was ruined. It appeared perfect on the outside, but in reality was imperfect on the inside. [Tweet “The perfect,…

Redefining Beauty

Redefining Beauty: It Starts with Us

For years I wondered how I could get through these beautiful girls I mentor and now, as a mom, I wonder it about my own girls. What could I say or do to enable them to see their worth in Christ and their incredible God-given beauty? Well, I wasn’t thrilled with the answer I found looking at me in the mirror. It was most definitely one of the hardest life lessons for me to embrace, but worth every bit of effort it has taken to redefining beauty . . . aka . . . redefine identity. Come join me at…

Redefining Beauty

When You Make A Vow About Beauty

The minute I became a mom, I vowed my daughters would feel beautiful and know their God-given beauty.  So what happened? Did  my mission work? What went awry? What have I learned since about making a vow about beauty?   Join me over at Mothers of Daughters for Part 2 in the Redefining Beauty series, where I’m sharing my story and what I’ve learned about beauty in the process of mentoring and raising up girls.

Embracing a New Definition of Beauty

This topic of beauty seems to never wane. It’s in our face every. single. day. Even if we want to get away from it, the media and culture is obsessed with what beauty is and how it should. Even the latest debut of the “New” Barbie created by Artist Nickolay Lamm in reaction to the debate over the proportions of Barbie being totally skewed, brings the definition of beauty into discussion. Is beauty perfect proportions? Is beauty a healthy, athletic build? Is beauty thighs with gap or thighs that touch? We battle over which doll represents normalcy when we should be…

Chasing Beauty in an Image-Obsessed Culture

Striving to become a European supermodel, Alana’s dream job finally became a reality. Out of thousands of girls, she was selected to be a runway supermodel for a famous fashion designer in Milan, Italy. She was exactly what they wanted. After spending a short vacation at home with her family in America, Alana arrived back in Italy only to find that her position had been replaced. “You’re not what we want anymore,” one of the Italian agency directors told her. “You’re too short and too pale. We found someone better.” This was Alana’s life. She was good enough one day and…


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