Living Out Our Faith

Give Thanks

It is Thanksgiving week, the time in our culture where we give thanks for all that we do have and take our eyes off what we don’t have.  As believers, however, we shouldn’t we be doing this all year long? Why is it that we turn Thanksgiving into a holy day of gratitude?  Why not live this way each and every moment? Because it is hard to give thanks when your thinking is established apart from the truth.   …when your perspective lines up with lies from the Enemy… …when your soul is sifted through the sieve of trials… Giving…

{Write It Girl} iThink. iPray. iWrite.

Writing, for me, is about expressing my voice in a way that gives God space and time to teach my soul His truth. I write because that is how… iThink… about the definition of a beautiful woman and how to encourage women of every age to know their true identity … Writing is how I commune with God to get a handle on my emotions in the face of reality.  Words reflect what I think, giving me the opportunity to bring core lies against His truth.  It is the active process of taking captive thoughts and making them obedient to…

{Feature It} Listen. Get Coached. Change. RACK.

Feature It Fridays is all about sharing with you resources that will make your spiritual journey a bit more inspired and a whole lot more intentional.  We’re delighted to share some poignant links with you this week.  Take few minutes to experience life transformed… [divider_line] Learn to Listen! Listening is not overrated.  It is necessary for healthy relationships, especially with the next generation!  Pause now to read Lynn Cowell’s challenging thoughts on listening to your teens and click over to Internet Cafe to read an article I shared on The Gift of Being Heard.  Both will give you a new…

{Link Ups} Especially for Mothers

For the first time in 12 years, I have no diapers to change, no toddlers to chase, no snacks to prepare, no crumbs to clean up, no diaper bags to refill, no carts to cover while running errands. Are you still in this season of early motherhood? It is a dramatic change, having all my children in school, and a stark contrast to the year I spent homeschooling my oldest.  Suddenly, my time is a bit more my own during the day time hours. I can make a call without being interrupted and write for hours in my pjs with…

{Bible Study} What’s Your Legacy?

Please note, this Bible Study, originally scheduled to be held online beginning January 17th has been cancelled.  We highly encourage your participation in this study, led by Leah Adams, at the Internet Cafe Devotions beginning February 5th. Follow this link to register! [divider] Women’s Bible Study.  It is a life line to fellowship and time in the Word.  It is all about shushing out the noise of this world and tuning into the wisdom of the Word. Will you join us beginning January 17th for a six-week Bible Study digging deep into the legacy we’ll leave behind? Written by Leah…


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