Living Out Our Faith

{Write It Girl} What do I know, God?

The fretting began early in the morning, soon as my eyes peered open. Oh, Lord!  What will happen tonight?  What girls will show up for ETC.?  Lord, maybe this new schedule  isn’t working.  But what are our options?  Lord! Plenty of distractions consumed my afternoon, laying the obsessing aside until dinner time.  I subtly checked the sign in book, disappointed to learn only one girl signed the sheet.  I was even more certain that no one was coming.  There I would be, with a living room filled with my ministry co-labors, and even my personal friend to share her story,…

{ICD} The Gift of Being Heard

The windows turn into mirrors, black with night, reflecting more than darkness outside.  As I turn to respond to my daughter, I see my face frowning with irritation.  My body wrenches.  Secret thoughts insist, “Isn’t it bedtime already?” Not quite yet.  Teeth are brushed.  Jammies are on.  Clothes are picked out.  But my children need to talk.  They need to unload the moments of unrest stifled by the noise of classmates, homework, and sports commitments. > read more at the Internet Cafe Devotions [divider_line] If this is your first visit from the Internet Cafe, welcome! Thanks for stopping by today. …

{Download} Mental Makeover

Have you ever considered how your beliefs are impacting your actions? We all have a core set of beliefs, which influences the way we process information, react to life circumstances, and interact in relationships with others. These beliefs are shaped by our experiences, environment, and the influences upon us, especially as a child, but throughout life as well. While some of these beliefs are true, in that they are consistent with God’s truth (John 17:17), others are lies masquerading in aged-old sayings, pop culture, and spun out from the Father of Lies (John 8:44). When our beliefs don’t line up…

{Download} Identity

Identity. What is it?  How does it impact our lives?  And where can we find it? Identity is about  knowing who we are and WHOSE we are. It’s about choosing to not be like someone else. It is about being consistent in our personality and characteristics. In other words, knowing our identity is the key to being authentic and confident, the real deal and not a phony, true to ourselves and not swayed by the crowd. Dive into this resource to discover what your identity truly looks like.  

{TSMSS} City on a Hill

It is the fire of the young ones, it is the wisdom of the old…it is the story that needs to be told. The lyrics of this song resonate deeply with the passion and purpose of More to Be.   And on a personal level, they are the soothing balm of God reminding my soul He is in the midst of our current trial, which spurs me on to raise my hands and worship HIM in the moment.  Yes, I will glorify God and not run away from the conflict and challenges found in real life! I pray you pause…


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