Impact My Life

Mentoring Mondays: We’re Training Again!

We’re kicking off our next six week mentoring training study today, with registration open through April 12th! {By the way, it might be the last six week course offered until next fall, as I devote time toward working behind the scenes on a very exciting, divinely appointed project!} So I’d love to have you join us for this wonderful community training time especially designed to equip women involved in leadership, ministry, and motherhood. The M2B Mentoring Course encourages women to think intentionally about the ways they can impact those they serve, as they choose to follow Christ distinctly and mentor biblically.…

The Effects of Seventeen Magazine on Young Women’s Minds

A few weeks ago, an article came across my Facebook feed, “Seventeen Magazine Pushing Sex as a Drug to 12-Year-Olds.”  Immediately my mind went back to my own Seventeen magazine days. My sixteen-year old self sat on the dark brown, shag-like carpet in my bedroom flipping through my own copy and taking quiz after quiz of “Does He Really Like You?”, “Are You Just Too Shy?” and “What If He Dumps You?”.  I had a subscription along with one to Teen, YM, and Bop. My reminiscing did not bring back the warm, fuzzy feeling that a memory of your childhood…

A Cup of Hope, A Cup of Tea

When I want to reach a heart that enters my home — and get mine in the right place, too — I’ve discovered that a cup of tea {and a lot of prayer} paves the way to amazing connections. Yes, it is my cup of hope, a cup of tea philosophy. And it all started with a story that I’m sharing over at The Better Mom. But to give you the nitty-gritty details about my tea philosophy and how I go about using it, let me explain: I have a rustic looking basket that is about 12 inches long by…

Hope-Filled Encouragement for Moms {and a giveaway}

Are you facing the day feeling worn down? Is your hope flame flickering in the windy days of raising teens and praying simply for survival? You’re not alone. So many moms, just like you, are weighed down with worry about their children’s future. With issues like Victoria’s Secret coming out with a line marketed at middle-schoolers and Seventeen magazine promoting a new Rated R movie, Spring Breakers  — well, you should feel the weight of your motherhood resting somewhere between your heart and mind. It doesn’t feel so good, does it? But don’t despair, momma.  There are so many wonderful…

Mentoring Mondays: What I Learned About Mentoring

I’m so excited to share with you an interview with a mentor mom, Monica, who I met through the six week M2B Mentoring course. She devoted her time and heart toward the study and training, making interacting with her a real delight.  Be ready to be inspired and motivated to get mentoring as you read this interview in which Monica shares about what she learned as she read Impact My Life and through the M2B Mentoring Training Course. Monica, will you tell us a bit about yourself? I have an amazing husband Michael and a soon to be six year…


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