Real Questions, Real Answers for Teen Girls

Flirting or Friendly?

Flirting or Friendly: How can I know?

He opens the door for me every time I come to the building. He seems to always laugh at my jokes. He told me my new sweater was really pretty on me. He noticed my haircut and said he liked it. Is this being flirty or friendly? How can I tell the difference? In generations past, being polite, kind, respectful and even chivalrous were a normal part of our social relations with one another. Things have changed. People are more familiar with one another, but we also tend to not show as much kindness and care. So when someone (of…

When should he say I love you?

When Should My Boyfriend Say “I Love You”?

My first love note came on a wrinkled piece of notebook paper. Playing outside one day, I remember a little boy in the neighborhood coming up to me and saying, “This is from Luke.” I uncrumpled the already wrinkled paper (I assume he changed his mind a few times before deciding to make the proclamation official)  and there it was — two hearts and the words “I Love You” in a wobbly kindergarten font. I was nine years old. I still have that paper. The words “I love you” leave an etching on a girl’s heart like no other words…

Real Questions: I like him. He likes me. Should we date?

Have you ever dropped a pack of Mentos into a 2-liter of Diet Coke? Well, it’s pretty explosive…kind of like hormones, especially in the teens and early twenties. Even the slightest touch or visual image can send off geysers of desire. Obviously, Solomon, author of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon in the Bible, had never seen the Diet Coke Mentos experiment, but he might like it as a visual aid alongside his warning: Song of Solomon 3:5 Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you … do not stir up or awaken love until the appropriate time. His sentiment was so important, he wrote…

Real Questions: Is it wrong to wear a bikini?

I remember my first bikini well. It was after college. My roommate and I were taking a senior trip to Mexico. I had lost some weight, and suddenly, in my mind, I became worthy of bikini-coolness. Wrapped up in those two small pieces peach, shimmery fabric was the thought that my body was now okay enough to be seen. I was finally acceptable. Finally worthy of attention. Bikinis bring you more attention – regardless of what people try to tell you. You get more sideways looks with the eyes, more glances in your direction through sunglasses. But the funny thing…

How Can You Protect Your Heart?

Relationships.  They can be complicated, messy, and challenging at times.  But they can also be very rewarding and oh-so -glorious.  God has designed you to share your life with others.  High school is a time where you will make friends that may last throughout your life time.  These gals, and guys, will be the ones you share your life, hopes and dreams with on a day-to-day basis. But what happens when one of those friendships begins to lean towards something more? How can you maintain a safe relationship with a guy who likes you, and whom you like back, when…


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