Transformed Tuesdays

Transformed Tuesday: Change Your Mind

Have you ever heard someone say: “It’s not my fault, I just can’t help the way I feel.” If you’re willing to be open and honest with yourself, you’d probably admit that you have muttered something to that extent before (I know I have). As a young woman, I can definitely say that I am not immune to having many feelings. Things effect me. It’s easy to take on everything that happens in our lives and allow it to change who we are. About a year ago, I remember getting all ready to grab dinner with a girl friend of…

Seize the Day!

Ever start your day with good intentions? Last week I began with the best of them. With to-do list in hand, I set out to strike through the many tasks I’d put off for way too long and dive into an important project I’d completely ignored. I was determined to get things done. God had given me a specific task to complete and I couldn’t wait to see where the project would lead. So, with a spring in my step, I dropped the kids off at school a little early and raced back home to begin my productive day.  …

Transformed Tuesday: Changing Your Self-Image

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Your answer might sound like… A chubby girl with yellow teeth, a pointy nose, and frizzy hair. Or maybe it sounds more like… A girl with damaged goods—someone who has messed up far past the point of no return. If this is what the view of your reflection looks like, then I think it’s time for a little transformation of your reflection. And I’m not talking about the one in the mirror. Have you ever seen someone and knew intuitively, without even talking with them, that they had a low…

Transformed Tuesday: Forget Not All His Benefits

My youngest son, who is now tall enough to ride shotgun in our minivan, pointed to several dashboard gadgets and asked what they were used for.  I had to play around with a couple of them to even remember. After driving the same car for so long, I’d become comfortable with the basics. Though the gadgets were at my fingertips, I never used them. I completely forgot their purpose and never enjoyed the extra accessories I’d paid for when purchasing the car.   How often do we drive through life the same way? How often do we disregard God’s promises…

Transformed Tuesday: What is a Worthy Calling?

We’re delighted to have Krista Gilbert guest posting for us again. Krista is a mom of four who is passionate about people connecting in meaningful relationships.  She blogs and speaks about living life with creativity, purpose, and intention.  When she isn’t at Costco, you will catch a glimpse of her racing her kids & husband down a black diamond in the mountains of Idaho. Find her at Meaning In a Minute. *** There were no words.  I had missed the biggest appointment of my life and I was not going to get another chance.  Feeling worthless, I fell onto my…


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