Search Results for: Prayer

Arise: A Battlecry for Moms

Arise: A Prayer for Moms

What does it mean to Arise? What would it look like to pray for our children on purpose, without pause? To respond to the battles with them and against in prayer first? Shouldn’t this be our first course of action?   Sisters, we are in the midst of a spiritual battle for our children and our families. This battle doesn’t require firearms and fatigues (although we might feel fatigued). But it does demand swords and shields (Ephesians 6:10-20). We are commanded in Scripture to take up our sword — the Word of God which is alive and powerful — along…

A Prayer

Praying the Hard Prayers

From the time she was able to speak, her opinions on life where black-and-white, right and wrong, good and bad. In many ways, she reminded me of a Pharisee who’d yet to encounter the fullness of God’s grace. She was a rules girl, bent on staying within the safety zone, both in terms of our parenting and in light of what she knew of the Bible. It made being her mom pretty easy, but also secretly heartbreaking. Yes, she might always be the good girl. That was alarming for me, a recovering good girl — minus those ten years of…

Never Give Up Praying

Not Giving Up a Routine of Prayer

Summer for me means the escape from my routine.  I am not a morning person, so I love not having to get up early in the summer, whereas in the winter I need to rise in the dark, try to rustle up a balanced breakfast, and send my kids off to school with a smile.  Some days I don’t even want to talk to anyone I am so sleepy and comatose! However, there is one routine that I try desperately to keep, even during the summer months . . . the habit of prayer! I am the mom of three…

Prayer of a Mentor

The Prayer of a Mentor

Do you feel called to mentor? Are you longing to impact the next generation? Your children? That neighbor girl? The younger women rocking her fussy baby in church? Well, there’s a pretty good reason for that longing in your heart. God put it there. He’s calling you to reach out and serve from the overflow of Him in your life, even if you feel unqualified and ill-equipped. He’s preparing you to meet those needs, not by your strength but by His grace. [Tweet “Yes, being a biblical mentor is a calling that must be laid before the Lord. “] We…

Do Your Prayers REALLY Matter? {especially for moms of boys}

I am so grateful for the amazing women God has sent into my life to mentor me on this adventure of raising a son.  For each season of my son’s life, they have walked me through the ups and downs and prayed with me.  They have shared from the depths of their hearts, and I have benefited from their honesty and transparency. None of us has been called to go this journey alone. God himself is with us every step of the way, but He has also sent others to help us and to be His hands and feet. The…


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