Search Results for: Prayer

Cultivating a Life of Enjoyable Prayer {Teen Edition}

As a teenager, I can imagine that you juggle various activities such as school, work, family, relationships, and church. So how do you remain consistent in your daily devotions with God and cultivate a life of enjoyable prayer when your life is so busy? Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV The first thing to consider is that prayer is not some mystical language that you speak to an unknown god way up in the sky. Prayer is communication between you and the…

Remember the Dancing: A Prayer of Joy

Oh, Father, I am so grateful for the quiet. Keep sitting here with Me, child. Yes, you know how I have trouble sitting still when others are around.  I grow anxious from the noise, hearing each request as a demand to which I feel I must respond. That is where your trust of Me needs to grow.  To what do I call you? To be present with You, trusting that You have given me everything I need.  I read your Words, and they remind me that each day, each moment, is a gift from You; each work I have to…

New Beginnings: A Mother’s Prayer

It is a new day, a new beginning. We praise You, Father, for the work You do in us each day, each moment. Your breath, your will, your Word, ushers Life. We cannot turn away.  Father, we praise You, always, for stillness. Help us to praise You for noise. Father, we praise You for quiet, for calmness. Help us to praise You for chaos, for turbulence we can’t control. Father, we praise You for Creation––your language of beauty and dancing and music and love sung out. Help us to praise You for life admist darkness, turning everything into light. Father, we praise…

{download} Prayer: Ideas for Opening Up to God

Have you ever noticed how simple it is for little ones to pray? They just give thanks… “Jesus, thank you for this day and that we got to play outside and that mommy’s dad came for a visit and that it is nana’s birthday.  She’s lived a long time.  Thanks, God.” They simply say it as it is… “God, it would be really nice to not have to go to school tomorrow.  But I know I have to.” They have the desires of God wrapped in their little hearts… “Jesus, I want my aunt to know you, so I am…

I know that God and prayer shouldn’t just be something we throw into our schedule for a few minutes, but at school this doesn’t really seem to be working out because of all we have to do. How do we make it work?

I know that God and prayer shouldn’t just be something we throw into our schedule for a few minutes, but at school this doesn’t really seem to be working out because of all we have to do.  How do we make it work? Finding the time to devote to our relationship with the Lord, and specifically prayer, is always difficult.  It is so easy to think that at another time in life, it will be easier, but to be honest, it is not. At your age, the challenges are school and friends.  In a few years, it might be internships…


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