Search Results for: identity

You are a princess.

Redefining Self: Exchanging a Negative Self-Image for a Positive Identity in Jesus

If a teacher asked you to define your inner self in front of a class, would you find it difficult? Many of us would, in part, because the way we see ourselves deep down isn’t necessarily flattering. Though we might say things like “I’m conversational,” or “I’m shy,” inside we might be thinking things like: Hello, my name is _____ and I’m flawed, broken, damaged, and fearful. I’m a gossip/a drug addict/a worthless person who has been used by others/afraid of everything/angry/unloved. Most of us struggle with this inner negative self-definition. After all, we see ourselves as we really are. We…

Identity: who are we supposed to be?

Identity: Who Am I Supposed To Be?

Our search for identity and significance is as old as Creation itself. Adam was created for a purpose: to take dominion over the earth, to tend it and rule over the animals and birds of the sky. He was given a helpmate for this monumental task. Even when God Himself defined Adam and Eve’s identity, the rebellion against that was strong and Eve sought to find and define herself apart from God. So she took counsel from the great enemy of God with tragic and eternal consequences.     Millennia later, we are still seeking to understand our identity, who…

Journey to Freedom: A Bible Study on Identity

Our identity can either cause us to curl up in a corner, feeling worthless and rejected, or call us to step out in bold, courageous faith to do “that thing” we long to accomplish. While “that thing” shouldn’t define us, neither should fear or insecurity. We need to find our identity — how we define ourselves — in what God has to say about us. When we understand His truth, we can make decisions that enable us to accomplish “that thing” with a godly purpose. Maybe God’s plans include a wildly magnificent rescue, where He swoops in, catches us in…

Are You Suffering From an Identity Crisis?

If you were to meet me on the street, we would introduce ourselves and immediately ask each other, “What do you do?” As women, much of who we are, or who we believe we are, is wrapped up in what we do.  Whether we are full-time homemakers, homeschoolers, part-time employees or something in between, we all have tasks that we’ve been given to do on a daily basis.  But this is not “who” we are. You may be wife. You lovingly support and encourage your husband, helping Him to become all that God created Him to be.  But this is…

{Download} Identity

Identity. What is it?  How does it impact our lives?  And where can we find it? Identity is about  knowing who we are and WHOSE we are. It’s about choosing to not be like someone else. It is about being consistent in our personality and characteristics. In other words, knowing our identity is the key to being authentic and confident, the real deal and not a phony, true to ourselves and not swayed by the crowd. Dive into this resource to discover what your identity truly looks like.  


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