Search Results for: time

The Quest for Peace in Uncertain Times

The Quest for Peace in Uncertain Times

When we moved to Georgia a few years ago, my parents dug a well on their property, and a few months ago, we split the cost to have a pump installed and water lines run to each of our homes. This seemed like a good way to save a little money each month by not using city water, and I figured the well water would taste better. Unfortunately, after just a few days on the well, we noticed that the water tasted somewhat metallic, so we switched back to city water. Needless to say, I was a little frustrated since…

One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

Have you ever witnessed something spectacular that blows your mind? Maybe it’s a “Humans Are Awesome” video on YouTube or something that happens in real life, and you just sit there shaking your head and saying, “How is that possible? People just amaze me!” Of course, as Christians, we believe God is the one who makes us so amazing and gives us the talents and abilities we possess, which brings me to one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Matthew records the story in the first book of the gospels, chapter 14, verses 22-32. Jesus has just finished feeding…


Making a Difference One Person at a Time

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by the needs of those around you that you felt almost paralyzed because you didn’t know how to help or what to do? Do you struggle to feel like you’re making a difference, even if it is just one person at a time? I am a chaplain at a Christian boarding high school in Georgia, and after hurricane Irma hit Florida, we made a decision take a group of students and head down to help with the cleanup efforts. So, one week after the storm slammed into the west coast of Florida, we loaded…

What will it take to give God your time and attention?

The Race We’re All In for More Time

Do you desire to spend more time with God but just cannot find the time among all your responsibilities? Do you desire to give those extra few minutes a day to your spouse or children to show them your love? Are you envious of those women who have the time to watch their kids’ sports, wishing you could be on the sidelines too? If you can only find the time in your busy schedule . . . You are not alone in this struggle. You are taking part in the one race we are all part of on a daily basis. The race…

Is it time for spring cleaning for your soul and spaces?

Is it spring cleaning time for you?

In my home growing up, every spring meant one thing: It’s was time to clean! And I’m not just talking “run the vacuum and mop the floors type of cleaning.” Oh no, that was set aside for ordinary Saturday chores. Spring cleaning meant everything got washed and scrubbed from top to bottom. The curtains came down for a good beating outside followed by a run through the washing machine and pressing. The walls got wiped down with a damp rag, including the baseboards. Beds were stripped, linens washed, mattresses flipped. Last but not least, winter wardrobes where shifted into storage to make…


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