Search Results for: dating

Instilling a Passion for Purity

Through my years of mentoring teens combined with my experience as a life coach for women, many of whom are moms, I’ve come to discover that “having the talk” and cultivating a vision of purity is not something that comes naturally for most. There’s is overarching insecurity and feeling of hypocrisy that keeps most moms silent at a time in which preteens, tweens, and teens need to hear the truth laced with grace and humility from the people who love them most. Maybe it’s because I’ve been on the receiving end of a mentoring teens afraid to approach their moms with…

{Week 1} TWOgether: Before We Get to THE Guy

Hi! I’m Lynn, the author of Magnetic. Lisa and I are so excited for you to be joining us over the next 6 weeks as we go through Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants. What a great opportunity to grow closer to each other while grow more like Jesus! Guys. They can be so complicated. One day they flirt with you; the next you’re invisible. What do they want? In school, I felt like I just couldn’t figure it out. One guy seemed to like my runner self while another paid more attention when I wore tons of make-up. The…

Are you and your teen in need of a rescue?

Does your teen need a rescue?

One normal afternoon at CareNet Pregnancy Center changed my life.  I was working diligently on something when our receptionist came in and asked me if I could visit with a family who had come in.  I walked up front and there stood four precious adults.  Both the dad and the granddad were farmers and “guys-guys”…tall and strong from doing what the Lord had called them to do.  The mom and the grandmother were absolutely adorable and I fell in love with all of them immediately. All four were there looking for a life preserver. The younger couple had a teenage…

Boyfriends - More to Be

Real Question: Which boyfriend is right?

Real Question: I like this guy and we have gone out, but we keep getting into petty arguments, so I have tried to move on and the guy that I now like is kind of a bad influence on me, but I still kind of like the other guy. Who should I go for? Real Answer: All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. 1 Cor 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not…

A New Purity Message: Because Sex is Good and So is God

It’s been a long time since I’ve written from the overflow of a stirred-up heart, and that’s not because I’ve not been fired up over issues. It’s because I’m in the trenches of mothering teens, and I want to respect my girls’ privacy — I want to give them space to grow up without a commentary. The problem, however, is that my passion as a mentor runs as deep as my devotion as a mother. To the same measure I am for my own girls, I am for this generation of girls. I don’t want to forsake tackling the tough…


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