Search Results for: dating

Seize the Moment with Your Daughter

Great Dates with Your Young Daughter

Are you looking for a way to intentionally to invest in time with your daughter? Would you like to be able to lay the foundation for communicating and connection while she’s young so that it’s a natural process when she’s older? Do you want to see your husband or a male figure speak life into your daughter’s heart? Author and speaker, Dannah Gresh has collaborated with her husband in the 8 Great Date series for moms and dads to use with their young daughters (ages 8 – 12), because this is the time to invest in a young girl’s life.…

Why you should talk to your daughter about Fifty Shades

Why You Should Talk to Your Daughter about Fifty Shades of Grey

By this point, you’ve probably heard of the best-selling erotica book, Fifty Shades of Grey that was published in 2011. It has been called the new “mommy porn” because of its popularity among moms. However, today I don’t want to talk about its effects on moms. I want to talk about its effect on your daughter and why you should talk to your daughter about Fifty Shades of Grey.   In February 2015, a movie based on Fifty Shades of Grey will be released in theaters. If your daughter isn’t determined enough to read the 530 page book, she may be more apt to sit through the, presumably jaw-dropping, two-plus…

What should you look for in a guy?

What qualities should I look for in a guy I want to date or marry?

I’ve never met a person who didn’t want to find someone to love and be loved by. Romantic love is precious, a prize to be cherished. Think over the many fairy tales circulating in our literature. Isn’t finding “true love” one of the common themes? So, with all this love in the air, shouldn’t finding it for ourselves be simple? Maybe, but it wasn’t for me. Looking for love (in the wrong places?) When I was a younger woman, I knew I wanted to find love, but wasn’t sure what to look for in a guy. I thought love was…

What are your expectations?

How About Exchanging Your Expectations?

Have you ever stopped to consider your expectations, especially considering your future relationships? Do you believe that “one day” you’ll be able to have a better marriage than your parents?  Are you hoping that if you find the perfect guy, you’ll experience that love and joy and happiness you’ve always hoped for? Well, you’re not alone. I felt that way when was I teen and 20s0mething, but I’ve since learned that my expectations weren’t the least bit helpful. Instead, they set me up for disappointment, until I learned how to take those expectations and replace them with relevant truth —…

Are you educated about the pressures and risks upon your teens?

Are you educated about the pressures and risks on your teens?

Sexual attraction is normal. It is part of life. Especially for your children, so we have a question for you: As the mom of a tween or teen, are you keeping yourself educated about the pressures and risks upon your children? Are you intentionally engaging with your tweens and teens on the tough topics like dating, crushes, social pressures, and healthy boundaries? More than these outward manifestations, are you engaging with your child’s heart? Are you purposefully spending time with each child and making yourself available as a safe space for your children to share information and ask questions? These…


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