{12 Eternal Gifts} Let my purposes…

Let my purposes direct you.

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Psalm 33:11

But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.

It is so easy to forget that our lives are in God’s hands and ordered according to His purposes, especially as we live in a culture that encourages us to dream our own dreams, plot our own course, and define our own purpose.

From the time we are little girls, we’re asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  instead of “So, can you imagine what God might want to do with your life?”  By high school, we’re urged to find the perfect college and by the time we’re sophomores, we’ve bearing down under the pressure to declare a major.  Yet, do we ever stop to evaluate our God-given gifts and talents?  Do we pause long enough, or often enough, with our parents, to pray about where the Lord intends to use us in His kingdom purposes?

We’re a people consumed by the idolatry of self and satisfaction, rather than His sovereignty and sacrifice. 

But praise God, even in the midst of our sin, His purposes still prevail.  His plans stand forever.  His heart determines our outcome.  What we experience as heartache, He uses for our sanctification.  What we come up against in trials, He uses to refine our character.  What we know as blessings, He uses for His glory.

One of the greatest gifts God gives us is that He is in charge of our lives.  His plans and purposes trump ours.  Forever.

Reflection Questions

  1. What were your plans for college and career and beyond?
  2. Did it play out how you intended?
  3. How has that been a blessing, on way or the other?
  4. As you look forward, what do you think God’s purposes, not just plans, are for your life?
  5. Take time today to talk with the Lord about His plans and purposes, and intentionally give up yours!

Take a few moments to check out our Spiritual Gifts & Personality download as well as Time resources, here.


Treasuring 12 Eternal Gifts

Join in today by leaving a link to a post, a Facebook thought, a Tweet, or a comment sharing about today’s gift!


Day 1 ~ Let my Spirit fill you.
Day 2 ~ Let my Word satisfy you.

Day 3 ~ Let my Living Water refresh you.

Day 4 ~ Let my love surround you.
Day 5 ~ Let my forgiveness heal you.

Day 6 ~ Let my grace transform you.

Day 7 ~ Let my mercy undo you.

Day 8 ~ Let my purposes direct you.
Day 9 ~ Let my plans delight you.
Day 10 ~ Let me. Let me in.
Day 11 ~ Let me rule. Let me reign.
Day 12 ~ For my glory.

8 thoughts on “{12 Eternal Gifts} Let my purposes…”

  1. Ouch,”We’re a people consumed by the idolatry of self and satisfaction, rather than His sovereignty and sacrifice. “, but it is so true..wasn’t due to a sneaky snake’s whisper that had us think..hey…we have a bigger purpose than what God clearly laid out…isn’t it the sneaky snake’s nagging discomfort that often lead us away from what God calls us to do and into paths that lift us up more than Him.

    Yet…sometimes if we just have faith like in Hebrews 11 and not worry and trust Him…how His purpose are so clearly revealed!

    Great post!

  2. Love todays eternal truth 🙂 God has a purpose for our life! I have always told my children to pray about what the Lord’s plans are for their life to consider their gift’s and passion. IT has been a challenge with the voices out there telling them to do this or that because that is where the money is or the way things are moving. So many find later in life that they are depressed because they are not doing what the Lord created them to do. I thank the Lord that He guided my steps early in life..it definitely went against the grain because many I knew were going to college and I did not. That was a hard one for my parents at first…but they quickly realised I was where I was meant to be 🙂

    1. Yes, I know that struggle, too. We have to be so careful how we guide our kids and not be influenced by the philosophy of the world. In my Bible reading this morning, the Lord confirmed that again to me in Colossians 2:8, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Isn’t that the truth!

  3. Blessings Elisa,

    I love your words in bold and Sunflower faith’s comment but this opening stood out the most for me personally:

    “It is so easy to forget that our lives are in God’s hands and ordered according to His purposes, especially as we live in a culture that encourages us to dream our own dreams, plot our own course, and define our own purpose.

    Since my answer(s) to your great reflection questions is so long… I wrote
    my own testimony at the end after your bookmark and verse… on my blog!

    Thanks Elisa… for focusing us on Eternal Gifts… from the BEST GIFT and GIFT GIVER… Our Lord Jesus,

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