Month: December 2012

Announcing M2B Mentoring Study & Training

So you want to be a mentor? Or you’ve been asked to mentor someone else. But you really can’t figure how to take the next step. And maybe you feel a huge hesitation about even trying. Well, we’re pretty sure our six week mentoring training study using Impact My Life, along with some brand new material, will build your confidence and give you courage as we inspire you to draw nearer to Christ and move into positions of significant influence.   How Can You Participate? Beginning Monday, January 7, we’re going to bring you six study sessions devoted to simplifying the…

The Girl in the Mirror: A Teen’s Guide to Acceptance

My heart broke for her as tears streamed down her face.  Her mascara had run down her cheeks and she could barely look at herself in the mirror.  I had no words to say to her, no way to make it better.  This girl was broken.  This girl didn’t have anything left to give of herself.  This girl wanted to know why this was all so hard.  This girl… was me. As a teen, I was not what anyone would have considered “cool.”  I was never one of those girls who seemed to have it all together.  You know those…

When Christmas is Lost in Singleness

Every year I look forward to the Hallmark Channel’s continuation of their Christmas movie marathon. For two hours I escape into a world where Christmas is magical. The child reconciles with his parents. The husband and wife escape divorce. And the single woman finds love. All in the nick of time – just before Christmas morning. However, these movies were not always an escape as they are now. I remember as a single woman the whisper of another year of unknowns to come that overtook my mind as I watched these movies. Loneliness set in with the unfilled hope that…

{Christmas Devotional} 12 Days of Eternal Gifts

Shopping lists. Laundry. Christmas cards. Bills. Cookie Exchanges. Final Exams. Christmas Caroling. Picking up kids from college. Secret Santas. Mop the floor. Black Friday specials. Doctor’s appointments. Women’s Christmas Tea. Soup kitchen. Nativity programs. Homework. School programs. But where does Jesus fit into our holiday rhythm? Our December calendars are jam-packed with traditions and festivities, squeezed into already too full schedules. Survival requires finding an extra five hours a week to keep up with the commitments, and in the process maintain our sanity and sweetness. I don’t know about you, but I’m not that good! I can’t stop the clock!…


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