Why Becoming a Life Coach is a Life-Changing Experience

What if I told you about an opportunity that would not only change your life but the way you impact who God brings into your life?

Curious about what that would be?

I know this might sound crazy, but I really do believe that going through the life coaching training course can result in a life-changing experience.

I say this not only as the instructor of the course and the ways I’ve seen it impact my hundreds of students but because of my personal experience.

After week three of my own training, my husband said, “That’s the best thing you’ve ever done.” Why? Because it radically changed the way I interacted with him and the kids.

Now, six years later, it has been a gift to be a work-from-home-mom, serving my clients and equipping women to gain this valuable coaching skill to launch their own practice, ministry, and impact.


Why Becoming a Life Coach is a Life-Changing Experience


The “week 3” experience wasn’t only mine.  I hear from students time and time again testify to the mindset shift and skill-setting that takes places early on. For example, Beth shared:

I felt so blessed to have the tools in my hands to coach my 21-year-old son. I know that he walked away from the convo with much more clarity and some action steps he was going to take, and didn’t feel judged by me. It was also great to assure him that I had intentionally taken off my “Mom Hat” and was listening, reflecting back, and asking questions to help him get from where he was to where he wants to go, and that it was about his dreams and desires, (not mine). At the end of the conversation, my son thanked me, and I thank God for His leading and guidance and for the newly learned skills and tools I have already acquired through the life coach training course.

You might be wondering, however, “What exactly do you do as a life coach?” The answer is pretty simple.

I help people figure out how to get unstuck and take the next step, not by giving advice, but through being a safe sounding board trained to ask questions that draw out the heart of the matter while also seeking God on their behalf.

Can you see how this kind of skillset removes the burden of solving other people’s problems?

It will also challenge you to become a woman of prayer and the Word, knowing you’ll need God’s leading as you ask your next question.

The ask-answer-discuss approach is life-changing because it leads to clarity and ownership.

For our spouses and children. For our family and friends. For our clients and colleagues.

Yes, you can use coaching with everyone in every setting, even if you’re not running a practice or getting paid.

Meet the First Life Coach

God actually models coaching throughout Scriptures, starting in Genesis when He asked Adam and Eve in the Garden, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3). God knew exactly where they were, but by asking the question, they had to own up to their actions.

Jethro also models coaching. After he spent time listening to his son-in-law, Moses, recount what had been happening in his life, he then asked: “What are you really accomplishing here?” (Exodus 18:14). Yes, a powerfully life-changing question!

And Jesus models coaching throughout the New Testament. He often replies with a question rather than an answer, leaving the ownership of a decision in the seeker’s court.

Coaching is a priceless skill you can use in every relationship and every kind of missional work.

I use coaching as a parent, helping my children navigate their chores, friends, actions, and even choose their college.

I use coaching in serving my husband, helping him gain clarity on major life decisions.

I use coaching to help writers determine the next step in pursuing their publishing dream.

I use coaching to help entrepreneurs figure out their next sustainable step.

I use coaching to help other coaches launch and grow their practices.

Coaching is a life-changing skill I use every single day, whether I’m on the phone working with a client or sitting at a meal with my family.

Is it a life-changing skill you’d like to have to?

You can learn more about the coach training course here

Feel free to email me with any questions!

Become a Life Coach



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