Elisa Pulliam

Elisa is the founder of More to Be, a trained life coach with an emerging speciality in trauma-focused equine-assisted coachingcoach trainer, mentor, and speaker passionate about helping women experience a fresh encounter with God and His for the sake impacting the next generation with Kingdom hope. She is the author of Meet the New You: A 21-Day Plan for Embracing Fresh Attitudes and Focused Habits Leading to Real Life Change, and Unblinded Faith: Gaining Spiritual Sight Through Believing God's Word, along with numerous books and bible studies for women and teen girls. When she's not home caring for her family, you can find Lisa horseback riding and serving on the leadership team of an equine-assisted therapy farm. She considers her first calling as wife to Stephen and mother to her four growing-up-too-fast children.

How do you prioritize your time between God, people at home and school, academics, sports?

Balance is one of the toughest parts of being a teen. You feel pressure from all sides: parents wanting you to be invested in the family, teachers telling you to focus on your academics, coaches demanding dedication to sports or other extracurricular activities, and friends expecting you to “be there,” to provide support in the bad times and to join in on the good times. This is only compounded further for Christian teens, who are also being directed, by both the Bible and godly adults in their life, to spend one-on-one time with God, to spend time in community with…

I am so insecure! How can I stay away from influences that lead me astray?

Well say hello to Miss Insecurity!  I remember my first time recognizing that I was insecure in middle school.  Our classes were very small – mine was 21 students at its best.  Some girl friends of mine were talking about all the fun they had hanging out over the weekend, and I felt hurt for not having been included.  All of a sudden with that hurt came a swelling of emotion as I felt angry and bitter, and also confused, ” Why had they excluded me?  Wasn’t I good enough?”  Later that night, as I fought against the struggle to…


Hurricane Irene. Irene means peace.   I beg to differ.  Hurricane Irene is everything its name is not.  The fury of chaos in the media and at the superstores has heightened emotions and rushed adrenalin.  Everyone is in a hurry to get ready for the unexpected damage and foiled plans for the end of August.  Unlike the other major hurricanes that have hit the East Coast, this one has given everyone time to prepare, especially those in the North East.  Batteries?  Check.  Non-perishables?  Check.  Evacuation bag ready?  Check. In the midst of this hurricane preparation, I can’t help but to think…

Finding a Bible

If your mission is to experience life transformed, then being in the Word should be a top priority!  The first step is finding a Bible that will make your daily reading time profitable. There are a number of different types of Bibles on the market, set apart by translation type, study style, features, size, and appearance.  To help you figure out what’s best for you, we’ve created this step-by-step guide.   Step 1:  Pick Your Translation A Bible is translated from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek in one of following ways: Word-for-Word, which is known as Formal Equivalence, places…

Can you be too young to be in love?

Young and in love.  Either we’ve been there and done that, or we are anxiously awaiting our turn to come.   It is almost every little girl’s dream to grow up, find their prince charming, experience their first kiss and have their foot pop up (think Princess Diaries), as she breathlessly declares, “I’m in love!” But when exactly is the right time to have a long awaited first love relationship? Is there a perfect age to be young and in love?  And should a young and in love couple seriously consider marriage?  What are the qualifications for getting married, especially at…


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