
Transformed Tuesday: Beauty in the Process {Tween Edition}

For this week’s Transformed Tuesday, Kate has brought us a look at beauty that we can share with the tweens in our lives. It is our prayer that her words will not only speak to the girls we love, but also remind us of transforming truths.   He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecc. 3:11a Disney Princess or super model? Do you feel like you are confused and unsure of where you fit in? All the magazines are saying what you should look like, how much you should weigh, the make-up you should wear, the clothes you must…

C312: Back to the Basics Style Staples!

The world of fashion is so vast and filled with options that it is easy to become overwhelmed. So many colors, fabrics, looks, and styles to choose from. With each new season comes a new fashion “must have,” and within months, it’s out with the old and in with the new all over again. That’s why vintage style is sometimes the best option. Vintage clothing is timeless, no matter what the fad declares. While I absolutely love fashion and trends, I have recently realized that I seriously need to downsize. With a closet that’s bursting at the seems and two…

Transformed Tuesday: How to Stop Dressing Like a Chameleon

Galatians 1:10 ESV For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. I have a friend who always looks perfect. Her hair. Her makeup. Her clothes. Even if she’s in workout clothes, she just seems to look so put together—like she just stepped out of an exercise clothes catalog. That is not me. When I’m in workout clothes, I pretty much look like I’ve been in a wrestling ring with a 3-time world champion. It’s ugly; my…

A Season For Every Color

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a season for everything. There is a time for everything,     and a season for every activity under the heavens… I don’t know about you, but this is reassuring to me, as I tend to change my mind quite often, especially when it comes to fashion. I love that I can change my style and appearance with the seasons, and make it like my own. Do you love to add personal touches to life, and cultivate beauty even in the simplest of ways? What about experimenting with color in one of simplest ways possible: …

Loving the Locks God Gave You

A while back, a few of my girlfriends and I found ourselves cracking up as we talked about Scriptures, reflecting on that how it says that {gray} hair is a crown of glory (Proverbs 16:31). We kind of focused in on the “hair” part, as it seems like many girls like us can be pretty focused on their hair.  We may have a perfect outfit and flawless makeup, yet we still feel drab when our unruly hair takes on a life of its own. I have found that I usually can’t control my hair… it controls me. This summer, I…


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