
Three Reasons Our Culture Doesn’t Value Motherhood

Every mother has to make hard choices. Sometimes the choices we make — the ones we believe are in the best interests of our families — don’t always match up with common sense. They aren’t applauded by everyone. Sometimes they’re discouraged. We both decided that when we became mothers, we wanted to make it our goal to highly value our role. We wanted the well-being of our children to rank just below the attention and priority we gave to God and our husbands. Sometimes we failed miserably. And we still do. For me and my family (Melinda), this meant working…

What I Would Have Said I’m Saying Now

Hello. Excuse me. May I have your attention please? Have you ever had one of those moments in which you wished you could have stood up and made an announcement to a bunch of strangers, but your sense of decorum kept you from speaking your mind? Well, that happened to me. And months later, I still couldn’t get that nagging feeling that “I should have said something” to go away. So I wrote about it instead. Come join me over at The Better Mom as I share my feelings about technology and the implications of it on our relationships. Read…

We Remember 9/11…and We’re Praying

There’s not an American who isn’t aware of today being 9/11. For many of us, we can recall the moment we heard of the attacks. I had just returned from our daily morning walk with friends, nearly 9 months pregnant and still pushing my firstborn daughter in the jogging stroller.  I was just about to plop her in front of Barney to head up to the shower, when the news flashed across the screen. I thought it was a bad movie. And then I realized it was real life. Real life not too far from home. The devastation of 9/11…

Loving The Skin You’re In {A Melanoma Survivor’s Perspective}

Back in my teen days, everyone tanned. To be pale, especially in a border town dubbed “The Sun City,” was practically a crime. Tanning beds gained popularity, and “everyone was doing it.” Only the “have-nots” would neglect giving their skin that healthy, sunny glow. One day, in one of my high school classes, the discussion turned to tanning, and why I couldn’t. The other kids, many of them from a genetic background that lent itself to beautiful brown skin, were full of tips and suggestions about how I could rid myself of this embarrassing problem of paleness. I felt like…

Everybody is Talking About Miley, But What Are You Doing About It

I must admit, I did not see the VMA awards nor would I have even known it was on except for the buzz on my Facebook news feed about Miley’s performance. As I followed the links from one commentary to another about her “twerking” and “over-sexualized” performance my heart sank. As did many. How did we get to this place in our culture that this type of performance defines entertainment? Shrugging my shoulders, I walked away from the banter with feelings of despair. But as more and more links popped into my inbox with outraged responses over Miley’s performance, Robin…


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