
The Power of Story in Mentoring

The Power of Story in Mentoring

I always had a heart for encouraging younger girls and sharing lessons of life with them. Even as far back as high school, I would take a few younger friends under my wing. Once I became a Christian in college and returned home, I settled into my church and began work with the youth ministry. Two years later, my husband and I began living and working at a boarding school. Living in a dorm with 40 teenage boys from around the world made me pretty desperate for girls of any age, so I slipped over to one of the girls’ dorms one…

A Gift Worth Giving

A Gift Worth Giving

When I was 11, my best friend was a girl named Sarah. She was full of energy, adventurous, and loved Jesus more than just about anyone I had ever met. Although I attended church here and there with my own family, the zeal for Christ that Sarah and her family had was new to me, and I was a bit smitten with the way they lived their lives. I can remember play dates that included listening to Adventures in Odyssey while we played games and ate snacks. Almost every memory I have of time spent with Sarah includes something related…

When You're Plain Worn Out From Trying to Keep Up

When You’re Plain Worn Out From Trying to Keep Up

Here’s the thing. I have amazing friends. Some “real” and some virtual, but nevertheless, they’re amazing. And they’re doing amazing things. I have a friend who’s adopting a child. Another one took her four young children on a mission trip. Another is fostering. Then there’s my friend who is 41 years old, pregnant with her fourth baby, and homeschools her oldest children. My one friend is the kind of friend every woman needs. She never forgets my birthday and brings me dinner on random nights just because “the recipe made too much.” Never have I thought of taking my unneeded food…

Talking to Our Teens about Sex

Baggage, Beauty, and Boundaries: Talking to our Teens about Sex

We all enter marriage with personal baggage, and it can greatly impede the health of a marriage. As premarital counselors, my husband and I have been amazed by how many couples are unaware about the way their past relationships affect them. We have seen firsthand the scars that were created from previous physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. These scars are real and are often in need of healing. An individual with sexual sin, for instance, will unknowingly carry shame into the relationship if it is not addressed beforehand. Premarital counseling is a great place to begin to unpack the baggage…

Is it time for you to get braver and break free?

Getting Brave and Breaking Free

Is it time for you to stop doing what you always do, just because you’ve always done it that way? Is it time to break free from anything and everything that is keeping you from experience God’s best? Imagine if you broke free from the strongholds, mindsets, and unhealthy habits that have a grip on your heart and mind . . . a grip that steals joy, robs you of peace, and lays unnecessary burdens on your back. Maybe it’s because I’m already feeling the freedom of breaking free in this year of brave that I’m willing to challenge you…


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