Living Out Our Faith

How to Find a Healthy Church Checklist

How Do You Find a Church

Have you struggled to find a church that feels like a right fit for you or your family? Do you wonder how to discern a church’s theology and understand what their values look like in action? Are you’re unsure how to know if a new church will feed your faith, spur you on, and be willing to make time to do life together outside of Sunday services? Maybe you’re concerned about getting hurt again, especially after what you’ve been through with your last church. You’re not alone if that is how you feel. Finding a church can be a daunting and…


When Life Feels “On Hold” {especially for moms}

When my eldest entered high school a couple of years ago, I watched as more of my mom friends returned to their careers. With their kids growing more independent, many of my friends found more time to work or pursue other passions. My writing friends started to find more success too. Meanwhile, I seemed to stumble from one crisis to the next. While I celebrate their successes and new horizons, sometimes it feels as if my mom friends are zooming along the highway of life while I’m peddling a rusty bike in the dirt. I can’t say I’ve totally missed…

Counting Our Redemptive Wins

Counting Our Redemptive Wins

Have you ever thought of counting the redemptive wins by focusing on the transformative work God is about the business of accomplishing in your life? Or do you tend to notice only the moments in which you’ve fallen prey to your flesh? That’s when condemnation becomes the voice in your head tormenting all day and night long. That used to be me, especially when my battle with anger raged on. But since the healing work God accomplished in me a decade ago, I’ve learned to embrace the redemptive wins and thank God for moving me back in line with the Holy Spirit’s…

Everything We Need, From Worry to Faith

Everything We Need, From Worry to Faith

As a little girl, I would sit on my bed feeling completely helpless against the stream of worries that would flow through my mind. I worried about being kidnapped, about my parents dying, about catching some horrible disease, and about tornadoes and hurricanes and alligators and sharks (I lived in Florida). I remember crying one night and my mom trying to console me. She told me God was with me and that I needed to trust him. She told me I didn’t need to worry about anything because God promised to be with me. I vaguely remember her telling me the Bible…

Facing the Unknown with God's Promises

Facing the Unknown with God’s Promises

It’s amazing how hard we have to work at not letting our emotions trump the truth. It’s especially hard when you receive a phone call from the doctor’s office and the sweet voice on the other end of the line says, “Ma’am, we need you to come back in and have another scan done.” I was ready to run straight to the office at that moment. Unfortunately, their next appointment was a week and a half away, which left me with ten whole days of wondering what the results would be. Did I have cancer? Was this my turn? I probably…


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