
Gifts for Tween & Teen Girls {Easter Edition}

I’ve been wondering, when is the right time to stop giving an Easter basket to our growing girls? Yet the fact is, my maturing daughters really do look forward to this simple expression of our love and the surprises they’ll find inside their baskets on Easter Sunday morning. From the time they were wee little, I always put the focus on the meaning of Easter, Christ’s resurrection. Through including gifts, like devotional books or jewelery with a message, my desire was to bring us back to the purpose of Christ’s life and death as we reflected together on our Redeemer’s…

Mentoring Mondays: Conflict Training

I stood at the door listening to the argument escalating between my daughters. Crouched and ready to pounce in fear of the damage that would be done with their words, I silently prayed… Oh God. Please make this stop.   If it wasn’t for my husband’s ability to hold me back, I would have marched in determined to force peace back onto our lives. Of course, with my adrenalin pumping, I’m sure my efforts at peace would be more like a flame to fireworks. Before I had a chance to decide what to do next, the door flung open.  She…

{4} TWOgether: I Need Him

  My youngest daughter came home from her small group where they were going through His Revolutionary Love. She shared this cool idea: each of the girls in the group took a week during the study. During their week, they texted  the other girls verses out of the book; a reminder of God’s love notes to them. I just loved this idea of bringing the study into day to day living! This week’s love note is from Psalm 9:18 “But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.” Friends, this verse talks about the…

How to Be a Mom to Your Single Daughter

This past November my husband and I welcomed our first baby, a baby girl, into our home. She is a complete joy! As I anticipated her birth, I thought I knew a lot about babies. I thought I would understand her every coo, every whimper, every cry. I thought I would know how to soothe her when she was tired or agitated or bored. I thought it would be easy to play with her, talk to her, and hold her all day long if she needed.   And I thought I wouldn’t need any help. After all, I knew a lot about babies. Then…

{2} TWOgether Study: He Knows Me

  Our girls long to be known. To feel like they matter. To believe someone sees them as valuable and significant. Maybe that is why God created mothers — to be the conduit for the power of His truth to our children. It is our place to teach our daughters exactly how He sees them. We can be the voice that says, “…out of all creation, [you] became his prized possession.” James 1:18 NLT When looking in the mirror picking themselves apart, may they be reminded of God’s promises and prayers we have spoken over them. So how exactly does…


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