Teen Girls

Find Balance in Friendships

Conflict, Boundaries, and Learning to Find Balance in Friendships

When a friendship goes bad… Lindsey sat in the cafeteria expecting to have a normal lunch time with her favorite group of friends. But when Gabby stood up, faced Lindsey, and asked some other girls to join her side, the sandwich Lindsey had just finished eating turned to concrete in her stomach. The entire cafeteria tuned in, as Gabby read out loud a letter detailing Lindsey’s shortcomings as a person and why the two of them would no longer be friends. Gabby finished by stating that since Lindsey had so few friends, she would allow her to keep Tammy as a…

Be Still.

Why You Need to Be a Quitter

“What’s going on, Jen?” I asked my fourteen-year-old-friend. She had sent me a stress text a few days earlier because she felt desperate to escape the pressure of her life. “I dunno. I’m just stressed. I’ve just been so busy, and I feel like I can’t handle it anymore.” Jen is a smart, talented, bubbly freshman. She has a lot of things going for her, but life had reached a boiling point a few weeks earlier. What’s weird is that Jen’s family was not in crisis. She wasn’t in a bad relationship with a boy. Her friends weren’t talking behind…


When You Feel Left Out with Your Friends

Recently a young reader asked this question: What do you do if you always feel out-of-place when you’re with your friends and whatever you do, you still feel left out? I think every young woman experiences feeling left out from time to time, and to be honest, I think adult women sometimes feel the same way. Just recently, a friend of mine planned a birthday party for another friend. I wasn’t invited. I’m not as close a friend with the person whose birthday it was, but I felt like I was close enough to be invited to her party. After all,…

Are you educated about the pressures and risks upon your teens?

Are you educated about the pressures and risks on your teens?

Sexual attraction is normal. It is part of life. Especially for your children, so we have a question for you: As the mom of a tween or teen, are you keeping yourself educated about the pressures and risks upon your children? Are you intentionally engaging with your tweens and teens on the tough topics like dating, crushes, social pressures, and healthy boundaries? More than these outward manifestations, are you engaging with your child’s heart? Are you purposefully spending time with each child and making yourself available as a safe space for your children to share information and ask questions? These…

Do everything in love!

And Do Everything In Love

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love. And do everything with love… Yeah. That’s hard. Half the time I don’t respond with love towards my siblings or choose to love that teammate who is driving me crazy! Living in a world filled with unhappy, often demanding people makes it all to easy to rudely snap back. Responding in love is the last thing on my mind, especially when my buttons are being pushed. And yet, loving others is a command found over and over again in the…


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