Search Results for: anger


Hurricane Irene. Irene means peace.   I beg to differ.  Hurricane Irene is everything its name is not.  The fury of chaos in the media and at the superstores has heightened emotions and rushed adrenalin.  Everyone is in a hurry to get ready for the unexpected damage and foiled plans for the end of August.  Unlike the other major hurricanes that have hit the East Coast, this one has given everyone time to prepare, especially those in the North East.  Batteries?  Check.  Non-perishables?  Check.  Evacuation bag ready?  Check. In the midst of this hurricane preparation, I can’t help but to think…

Can you be too young to be in love?

Young and in love.  Either we’ve been there and done that, or we are anxiously awaiting our turn to come.   It is almost every little girl’s dream to grow up, find their prince charming, experience their first kiss and have their foot pop up (think Princess Diaries), as she breathlessly declares, “I’m in love!” But when exactly is the right time to have a long awaited first love relationship? Is there a perfect age to be young and in love?  And should a young and in love couple seriously consider marriage?  What are the qualifications for getting married, especially at…

Q&A: real questions. asked by real teens. with real answers. shared by real women.

We Have Real Answers to Real Questions Whether you are a teen searching for answers to a very real questions, or a mentor or mom seeking wisdom on how to respond to a teen in need, you’ll find our collection of Qu0026amp;As to be an invaluable resource. All the Qu0026amp;As found at More to Be have been penned by real teen girls desperately seeking real answers to the challenges they face every day — challenges that you often face, too.  In the safe-haven of ETC gatherings, these questions were submitted on index cards and answered right on the spot by…

Is it okay that I am very comfortable with being the weaker partner…

…in reference to 1 Peter 5:7, where the husband must also respect his wife? I find myself loving being weaker or vulnerable because it usually doesn’t happen due to my own physical nature. I’m strong and smart enough and to keep myself out of dangerous situations, but do you think this is dangerous? I grew up in an environment where my mom was the head of the household, and men were treated with contempt. I was taught that women were meant to control men, and that men were not really smart enough to be the head of the house. When…

If we are in a relationship with a guy, how much time should we spend with him? What is considered to be a bad boyfriend?

These are really wise questions to be considered, so kudos to the gal who wants to know! However, let me offer a disclaimer in that I don’t believe it is a good idea to have a boyfriend or spend lots of time with a guy while still in high school. My thoughts on this subject stem from issues of intimacy and a desire to remain pure emotionally and physically until marriage. Yet, that being said, for the benefit of those who already have a boyfriend, or who want guy friendships, it is good to know what to look for and…


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