
Are we extending an invitation for the wise to speak to our hearts?

The Gift of Grey Hairs

Over the last few weeks, I’ve found myself unintentionally leaning further and further into the mirror wondering: What on earth is going on with these multiplying grey hairs? Ever since we moved, I seem to be greying a whole lot faster (ahem, yes, maybe stress). Or is it that the all-too-expensive salon color is sticking less and less? Well, I just found out from my newest hair dresser that the problem may be in my well water, leaving mineral deposits in my hair that need to be “clarified” in order for the color to stick. Ah-ha. Now that we might…

Is God Calling You?

Your life’s all planned out. College and career decisions have been made. The dreams are big and expectations high. There is relief in the knowing except for the gnawing. In the deepest part of your soul, you feel the tug. In the noise of life, you can hear the still, small voice calling you to a different path. But it doesn’t make sense. It feels scary. What will people think if you change your plans now? So what do you do when God calls you into a life you didn’t plan?   When God Called Me It’s 1983 and I…

Beautifully Messy Mentoring

There are three sides to mentoring . . . 1.  The side we hope and dream of, where our impact bears incredible fruit! 2. The messy side, in which nothing goes according to plan and the only hope is for God’s redemptive work to play out. 3.  The unknown side, in which we don’t know the results and simply have to trust God to accomplish His purposes, even when we can see the outcome. I’ve been on all three! That’s what happens when you’ve been at this mentoring thing for nearly twenty years. Can it really be that long? Oh…

How to Mentor Your Children Through the Holidays

Helping You Mentor Your Teens Through the Holidays

We’re knee deep into this holiday season, which means life is probably full of extra commitments and the undertaking of traditions. In the midst of it all, are you finding time to connect with your teen? Have you stopped long enough to ask them how they feel about your traditions? Is there something they really want to see happen before Christmas comes and goes? Join me over at The MOM Initiative as I tackle the topic of mentoring our children through the holidays. *** If you’d like help and guidance in discovering how to mentor, consider joining in the next…

Mentoring Biblically is about Following Christ Distinctly

Does the idea of mentoring make you . . .

When you hear the word “mentoring,” does it make you . . . . . . cringe? . . . feel insecure? . . . wish you had one? . . . wish you knew how to mentor? It’s amazing how one word, like mentor, can carry so much emotion. And imagine, if that one word could carry a whole new meaning, like “Mentoring biblically is about following Christ distinctly.”   Even though I’ve spent years mentoring teenagers and younger women, along with writing how to simplify the whole mentoring process, I still have my moments when the mentor word…


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