Elisa Pulliam

Elisa is the founder of More to Be, a trained life coach with an emerging speciality in trauma-focused equine-assisted coachingcoach trainer, mentor, and speaker passionate about helping women experience a fresh encounter with God and His for the sake impacting the next generation with Kingdom hope. She is the author of Meet the New You: A 21-Day Plan for Embracing Fresh Attitudes and Focused Habits Leading to Real Life Change, and Unblinded Faith: Gaining Spiritual Sight Through Believing God's Word, along with numerous books and bible studies for women and teen girls. When she's not home caring for her family, you can find Lisa horseback riding and serving on the leadership team of an equine-assisted therapy farm. She considers her first calling as wife to Stephen and mother to her four growing-up-too-fast children.

Courageous Living: Interview with Alex Kendrick

Godly men. Are they really that hard to come by? Courageous men. Are they out there? Yes. And they are striving to make a difference, like Alex Kendrick, who co-wrote, with his brother Stephen, the screenplay for  Courageous — a movie challenging men to rise up as fathers and husbands, but doesn’t shy away from sending a powerful message for moms and wives to answer the courageous call. In addition to directing Courageous, Alex also played a the leading role of Adam, a father and police officer struggling to balance the commitments of work and balancing his family, until an…

Courageous DVD & Giveaway

In just a few days, I will have the honor of interviewing Alex Kendrick, who with his brother Stephen, wrote the screenplay for Courageous — a movie challenging men to rise up as fathers and husbands, but doesn’t shy away from sending a powerful message for moms and wives to answer the courageous call. COURAGEOUS is the rare movie that hooks audiences in a deep place and stirs their hunger to know more. I’m looking forward to hearing Alex’s take on the creation of the film and impact on our culture, as I ask him key questions I believe are…

{Link Ups} Hope. In My Savior.

Hope. It is my PERSPECTIVE2012.  Because it is a lesson I desperately need to learn. Most of my life has been spent hoping, but not in my Savior. I’ve hoped that my own efforts would bring satisfaction after a long hard day of serving my family. I’ve pressed on through difficult times, hoping that the around the corner I might find relief. And I must confess that I’ve unintentionally hoped in the opportunities provided through relationships, thinking that I would finally feel whole and loved totally. Even though I’ve lived nearly two decades as God’s beloved child, I’ve never learned…

Perspective 2012

Perspective.  It is one of my 5Ps.  It keeps me paying attention to the lessons God has before me for this year as I pursue living intentionally.  Lessons that I thought I already learned.  Lessons that need to penetrate deeper into my soul.  Lessons filled with truth that God intends to use to transform my thinking. I though HOPE was going to be my solo word capturing my PERSPECTIVE 2012.  It came upon me in tears soaked out on my living room sofa. “I’m so tired.  I can’t do this anymore!  Is it ever going to get easier?”  These are…

A Story about Passion and Purpose

When the Lord first formed the idea of More to Be in my mind, it came as an answer to a question pounding on my heart for years. God, how can I help this generation of teenage girls? There are too many for me to reach, but oh how I want to pour into their lives! The Lord was moving me from a place of plotting solutions to prayerfully laying it all before Him.  In that long season of seeking and waiting, the Lord shifted my perspective.  Through studying Titus 2, over the course of a year, followed by homeschooling…


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