What does it really mean to rest?

What Does It Really Mean to Rest?

Are you tired? Exhausted from running yourself ragged? Do you feel like the mom chores never end and you will never catch up? Yes and yes and yes. Can I get an amen? How do you find rest? Although naps are great, I’m talking about soul-deep rest. How do we find it? I’ve been stuck in a season of constant moving. With one child in a health crisis and another one with special needs, I sometimes feel like I’m stuck on my treadmill and can’t get the thing to turn off. I am on the verge of tears all the…

What good is numbering our days?

What Good is Numbering Our Days?

“Did you get a call from the doctor’s office?” The text appeared on my phone as I sat at a railroad crossing and waited for a train to pass on the way home from shopping. “What call?” I wondered. I gave into temptation and texted my friend back, and learned that our children’s pediatrician had passed away. Close to our age and with children of his own, he wasn’t supposed to die. I watched the train pass in stunned silence. He was more than simply a doctor to those of us who entrusted our beloved children to his care —…

Get your BRAVE on sister!

An Invitation to Be Brave Together

Have you’ve heard me talk about redemptive wins? A redemptive win is when a loss and disappointment turns into a holy and beautiful win.  You’ll never see a redemptive win coming your way, but you know exactly when it happens. A loss can be tied to a project, relationship, or dream. It can a result of a situation totally out of your control. It might even be a loss because of a redirection . . . even a beautiful divine intervention. I’m counting my Brave Together as a redemptive win . . . and one that we’re going to get to celebrate by enjoying it together!…

Fasting From Sugar, Feasting on Jesus with Wendy Speake, Episode 216

Fasting from Sugar, Feasting on Jesus with Wendy Speake {Podcast #216}

Could you imagine spending 40 days fasting from sugar while feasting on Jesus? Maybe you’ve never fasted before. Maybe feasting on Jesus sounds a little weird. Maybe you’re not sure that you can say no to sugar much less anything else that has a stronghold over you. Well, sister, you’re not alone. That’s where I was 365 days ago. But God allowed me to get so desperate with my health in order to discover an area of my heart that needed grave attention. In July 2018, I dove into a Whole30 journey to get to the root cause of my health…

It's Time to Become Holy Whole . . . because our physical wellness is a spiritual matter.

Becoming Holy Whole: Why Your Physical Wellness is a Spiritual Matter

Have you ever thought about your physical wellness as a spiritual matter? Maybe you feel like the number on the scale or around your waist or on the blood test report has nothing to do with the state of your soul. I agree. It doesn’t.  But it also doesn’t discount the biblical call to care for our bodies well. Sometimes the state of our health is a result of life on this side of the fall. We suffer from disease and illness that is often out of our control to fix. And yet, sometimes our wellness has everything to do with how…


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