Life Transformation

The One Thing I Wish I Had from My Mom

I loved going to my friend Diane’s house when we were in middle school, and I went there often. Almost every Friday night, I would spend the night, and we would watch TV, eat, and talk. I don’t remember doing anything more special than just hanging out. I do remember, however, Donnie Walburg and the the rest of the “New Kids on the Block” guys adorning the walls in her bedroom. And I remember her mom. When the school bus stopped right in front of Diane’s house, her mom was always there. We walked from the carport into the kitchen…

Transformed Tuesday: Living Intentionally on Purpose

Do you ever have days when you feel as if someone has pressed the “repeat” button on your life? For me, life can seem mundane and repetitive at times.  I get up, shower, make breakfast, get the kids up and ready and out the door, get myself to work, come home, make dinner, do laundry, give love, offer hugs and kisses, write, blog, chat, and go to bed.  And the next day, I’m at it again, my life on repeat. Even in the midst of the mundane, it is possible to come to a place of intentional living and be…

Apart from Christ, I am Mush

Looking back over my life in Christ, I can see many different season. Seasons where I was thriving and growing. Seasons where doors were opening, friendships were rich, my faith was like rock. And then there were seasons where I felt like the small kid in the class, the one who didn’t yet get their growth spurt while everyone else was proudly wearing deodorant and training bras . I used to think that those seasons just came and went–I couldn’t influence them; I couldn’t change them. And, to some extent, I suppose I was correct. Sometimes God is silent, and…

Transformed Tuesday: Being Intentional

I’m delighted to introduce you to our lovely guest poster today, Krista Gilbert, who is a mom of four who is passionate about people connecting in meaningful relationships.  She blogs and speaks about living life with creativity, purpose, and intention.  When she isn’t at Costco, you will catch a glimpse of her racing her kids & husband down a black diamond in the mountains of Idaho. Find her at Meaning In a Minute.  Krista is passionate about living intentionally, which also happens to be this month’s theme here on the M2B Blog. It is my pray that Krista’s words will…

Happy New Year!

It is a new year and, Lord willing, another 365 pages in our life story are about to be written. Have you ever thought about it that way? How do you feel about the blanks to be filled in as you look toward the months ahead?  Will you be seizing the opportunity to live intentionally?  Are you awaiting answers? Looking for direction? Hoping for certain outcomes? Will you be growing as a mentor? Or immersing yourself in the word?  Are you welcoming in 2013? As we face 2013 together with you, we hope and pray that our words and resources…


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