Teen Girls

It’s a New TWOgether Study for Moms and Daughters

  As you might already know, we are passionate about seeing moms and daughters connect in every way. That’s because we believe moms are the best mentors for their daughters. Even though it is super valuable when other women speak into the lives of the next generation, there is nothing like the time spent between a mother and daughter one-on-one. Because we want to encourage moms to spend time with their daughters, we’re offering another TWOgether Study with one of our favorite authors, Lynn Cowell, and her newest book, Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants. About Magnetic Magnetic is a…

A New Purity Message: Because Sex is Good and So is God

It’s been a long time since I’ve written from the overflow of a stirred-up heart, and that’s not because I’ve not been fired up over issues. It’s because I’m in the trenches of mothering teens, and I want to respect my girls’ privacy — I want to give them space to grow up without a commentary. The problem, however, is that my passion as a mentor runs as deep as my devotion as a mother. To the same measure I am for my own girls, I am for this generation of girls. I don’t want to forsake tackling the tough…

Equipped: Helping Teens Girls Find Vision & Purpose

{Download} Equipped: Helping Teen Girls Find Vision & Purpose

God has equipped each one of us to live this life on purpose! You are not an accident or a mistake! You are not a waste of a life!  You’re more than enough! God made you and wants to use you! God wants to use each one of us for His amazing purposes!   So why do we often feel totally inadequate and without purpose? It’s because we are short-sighted and living without direction. We lack vision and forsake focus, as we respond to the next demand — the tyranny of the urgent! And we’re afraid . . .  afraid…

You are a princess.

Redefining Self: Exchanging a Negative Self-Image for a Positive Identity in Jesus

If a teacher asked you to define your inner self in front of a class, would you find it difficult? Many of us would, in part, because the way we see ourselves deep down isn’t necessarily flattering. Though we might say things like “I’m conversational,” or “I’m shy,” inside we might be thinking things like: Hello, my name is _____ and I’m flawed, broken, damaged, and fearful. I’m a gossip/a drug addict/a worthless person who has been used by others/afraid of everything/angry/unloved. Most of us struggle with this inner negative self-definition. After all, we see ourselves as we really are. We…

Dark in, Dark Out

How do I change?

Real Question: I struggle with the desire to do bad things. How do I change to desiring God?   Real Answer: Remember the story of Pinocchio? It’s about a puppet who wants to be a real boy, but he has to be good to do it. Yet, he fails repeatedly because there is something inside of him that has difficulty resisting temptation. Or how about Frodo struggling to destroy the One Ring of Power in Lord of the Rings. Frodo wants to do good, he desires to save the world, but he has difficulty resisting the ring’s evil pull. The…


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