Search Results for: anxiety

Why Biblical Mentoring Matters So Much More

Why Biblical Mentoring Matters So Much More

I’m curious, what do you think of when you hear the word mentoring? Actually, before you read any further, would you mind leaving a comment or drop me a note to let me know. I’d love to hear your perspective! Maybe you’ve figured this out already, but mentoring is something I’m super passionate about. Yet I remember a time when the word made my stomach turn. I know I’m not the only one that shares that feeling. But I wonder if it could be for all the wrong reasons. What do you think causes the squirm factor?  Is it because there is a…

Modeling His Rest, Rhythms, and Grace for Our Teens

Modeling His Rest, Rhythms, and Grace for Our Teens

Would you agree that it’s difficult to be a teenager today? It’s such a crazy different world they live in. Historically teens have had academic and extracurricular loads pushing them beyond their limits but today they’re beyond harried with homework, work, sports, rehearsals, and desiring to connect socially. Let’s not forget the turbulent climate they are living in fueled by racism, sexism, and terrorism. Hyper-connectedness exacerbates these life stressors. But sadly, teens don’t have the same tolerance for stress as adults which might be why we are seeing an increase in health-related issues due to stress overload. TIME Magazine (Oct.…

40 Verses to Calm An Anxious Heart

40 Bible Verses to Calm An Anxious Heart

I wouldn’t say I’ve been an anxious person. Occasionally, a worrier. Well, often a worrier. But, in my opinion, that’s the by-product of being a woman who is a born-leader type with a sensitive spirit. I see problems before they hit and I’ll be able to pinpoint the first steps to take in a crisis situation. It’s the way God has made me, which I’ve come to be very grateful for and also understand that with these abilities come a good deal of risk-taking and responsibility. For the most part, I’ve learned that in order to not fret myself into…

Lessons Learned in the Midst of Grief

Lessons Learned in the Midst of Grief

I have this spot in my house—my little prayer corner that I set up after watching the movie The War Room. I spent a lot of time in that spot . . . until recently. A little over a year ago, a lifelong friend was admitted to the hospital for what she thought was a kidney stone. After a lot of ups and downs, she finally discovered she had a rare form of virulent cancer. While she battled the cancer ravaging her body, the rest of us battled in prayer. My friend loved the Lord and her family. She was…

When Bravery Feels Impossible

When Bravery Feels Impossible

I sat in the oral surgeon’s parking lot, keys still in the ignition, dreading what lay ahead. In fifteen minutes I was scheduled for a somewhat invasive oral surgery, which I had elected to undergo while conscious, instead of opting for sedation. As a breastfeeding mother at the time, I knew general anesthetic wasn’t recommended, and I also knew that it would be more of a hassle than I wanted to endure to try to get my son to take another milk for the 48 hours post-surgery my doctor recommended. I decided instead that I would be brave. I’ve had…


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