
How do you know if it is worthwhile?

Recently someone asked me if I had been paid for something I did for another person. When I replied in the negative, they acted surprised. Their response indicated I was wasting my time because I wasn’t generating income. It made me wonder… Are the things we do only valuable if we are paid to do them? That seems to be the world’s message. I would like to make a case for the opposite. When you were a child did your parents ever hang your artwork on the refrigerator? Or, if you are a parent, do you ever hang your children’s art…

Mentoring Mondays: Your Teen Wants Your Attention {Without an iPhone in Your Hand}

Recently I had the privilege of leading a focus group discussion with a group of high school girls. The topic was centered around the increase in youth violence. I wanted to find out from the girls why they believed violence was increasing in schools and within their population in general. I was amazed at where the conversation ended up. I thought for sure the girls would blame the media, citing video games, gory movies, and grisly news coverage. Or maybe they’d blame it on a decrease in confidence among young people, citing a corresponding increase in bullying and the need to defend oneself from it. But…

The Effects of Seventeen Magazine on Young Women’s Minds

A few weeks ago, an article came across my Facebook feed, “Seventeen Magazine Pushing Sex as a Drug to 12-Year-Olds.”  Immediately my mind went back to my own Seventeen magazine days. My sixteen-year old self sat on the dark brown, shag-like carpet in my bedroom flipping through my own copy and taking quiz after quiz of “Does He Really Like You?”, “Are You Just Too Shy?” and “What If He Dumps You?”.  I had a subscription along with one to Teen, YM, and Bop. My reminiscing did not bring back the warm, fuzzy feeling that a memory of your childhood…

Hope-Filled Encouragement for Moms {and a giveaway}

Are you facing the day feeling worn down? Is your hope flame flickering in the windy days of raising teens and praying simply for survival? You’re not alone. So many moms, just like you, are weighed down with worry about their children’s future. With issues like Victoria’s Secret coming out with a line marketed at middle-schoolers and Seventeen magazine promoting a new Rated R movie, Spring Breakers  — well, you should feel the weight of your motherhood resting somewhere between your heart and mind. It doesn’t feel so good, does it? But don’t despair, momma.  There are so many wonderful…

5 Sex Lies We Buy and Regret

Valentines is all about romance, right? And romance is ultimately about sex, yes? And when it comes to sex, isn’t it the more the better? I know God says I should be married first, but He doesn’t want me to miss out, does he? No, not necessarily, no, and definitely not. So, why does our world tell us differently? Let’s Explore 5 Common Lies About Sex Lie #1  Sex is best enjoyed during youth. I’ll miss out if I wait until I finally get married. Though promiscuity is common in young adult fiction books, movies and television shows, the sex…


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